Once Upon a Time: chapter one

I just had to stay out of his way and not get caught stealing in his home. i love ste...finding things.

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Forbidden Temptation (short story)

A short about temptation, corruption, betrayal, lying, stealing, cheating, use, abuse, cruelty & violation on so many levels! first, he invites temptation, to use him as bait, for an evil trap.

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To Take or Not To Take

I stood near the woman, waiting for the bus. Her purse hung open and I scanned the contents. Nice lady, stupid though. Her wallet was blatantly open just as her purse was. I looked around to see if anyone was near. Coast is clear. I stand just off...

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The vixen and her prey

She's a cop; i am a member of a group of outlaws who steal back stuff to their rightful owners. ed's group is on the ten most wanted list. my wolf friend is upset that he's at number six instead of number one.

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City of Dreams

"and the greed led to the killing of more people, of more stealing and more tears. i can't help but think that as i have fought indians in the past, i am repeating the mistakes of cortez, the conquistador.

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St. Louis Blues

Setting: Missouri, Jazz Age "I hate to see the evening sun go down", the pantheress, Florence declared as she looked across her home in Jefferson City at sunset. It was a captivating view of the setting sun from her beautiful home- a former...

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The cold mistress' path - Chapter one - A cold reception: Welcome to the real world.

Those pricks who steal people's pokémon. my blood boils at the mere thought of it, my teeth grit. "where is he?"   "i don't know!" the kid sniffles, his crying dying down a little into whimpers.

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 11

He underestimated just who he was stealing from. there is nothing i do better than revenge. **ok, now its time to get all you lazy readers involved. one of two things can happen.

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"Wow, hey there tiny. What're you even doing in here?" That was the third remark from the rather drunk otter of the night, and Alonely had had enough of it all. The wolf had come to the party on the invitation of the host, Sasuke, and hadn't exactly...

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Who's the boss?

Who's the boss? Chap 1 "What does it do?" The tall gray equine asked, looking over at the small, skinny nerdy stallion. Who was busy checking connections, carefully and going over a check list on a clip board. "I told you... its going to make you...

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Steal What You Came For

The prompt this time was "steal". this one was inspired by a story written by my old, dear, long-lost friend jenn, the rapturous raptoress, about her character raptor x, another thief. kesha isn't x, but i won't deny the similarity.

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Don't Steal from a Sorceress

And shi would never, ever steal from the sorceress again.

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