Gym Time for Yordles [TSR]

theoretically he _could_ jump ahead to the next available one, but that was nearly a good hundred pounds ahead of what he just lifted. maybe he'd have to come back to this later.

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Introduction to Manipulators: Sexual Anatomy

Females can theoretically self-impregnate, or impregnate other females in this manner, also. please note that males do have testicles, and males do have a tose. their testes are only for making hormones, though.


Well let's just say you find out the name later.

Jon was working in the lab, he was observing the electromagnetic waves of emps, while trying to amplify these electromagnetic waves.he had developed a device that was extremely experimental and highly unpredictable, a device which delves deep into theoretical

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The Ayr'een Summary

Their knowledge bases are filled with everything from the arts to theoretical physics research. all done by their own scientists, and by studying the achievements of other races. the ayr'een seek to catalog the universe, an ambitious goal.

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Lagomorphs -- Chapter 3: Colloquium

The very senior professor emeritus of theoretical physics glared at the invited speaker. "mass is mediated by the higgs. gravity is stretched space-time. you don't need to invoke a multiverse to explain them." "that's not quite what i said."

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HSR Notes on the Void Warfare

Ship based weapons, purpose and range nuclear anti-tc missiles: wiping out tethered craft formations, theoretically infinite range (kinetic) accurate within 1.4 m km.


Granite and weak forces

I wasn't terribly interested, and i was beginning to fear being dragged into an actual theoretical discussion. consequently, when aerin threw me a rope, i seized it. -- you still haven't told me what you came for.

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The Beloved Pet Ch11

Minus a few alterations this seamed to confirm much of theoretical cosmology. of course even this book could not provide a definitive answer as to when, how, or even if the universe would ever end.

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Twokinds Revolution Chapter 6

With the help of rain, it would theoretically connect the electronics in the leg with your brain. unfortunately, we haven't been able to test it on anything other than injured animals, and the results were...

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The Merrin, part 25

"it is theoretically possible. certain conditions must be maintained for it to work." "as in?" he asks.

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Nathanriel's Fate- Chapter 10

And greater demons like nathanriel could theoretically reach tier 5 spells.

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Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 10

'theoretical time magic.' nothing about that title set off any warning bells for him so he grabbed it off the shelf. and immediately landed on the ground due to the book being so heavy.

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