Rabbit Heart Pt. 3 - Ch. 7

But even those vague sensations were enough to make me feel, sometimes, like i was whole again. like i hadn't lost a part of myself that i'd never get back.

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pool toy from the well

In koita's own apartment, there was a new, giant pool toy as big as he is, with the vague shape of a fish with a strange pattern printed on it.

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A Change in Routine (DRAFT)

She gestured vaguely to the bar. it was unclear as to who she could be referring to. "don't you think you can stay for one more? it's another old fashioned!" charles thought to himself.

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Star Fox Lost Adventures: Adjusting To The New You

_krystal ran out of sally's flat, not even considering her nudity as she ran through the public building and through the streets to where she vaguely remembered her arwing being.

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How It Goes - End

Only vaguely can he discern their hands - the monochrome golden band on his mother's hand. he reaches into his pocket, vaguely recognising that his left paw feels empty, and pulls out the very ring his mother once wore.


Hypno Skunked and Bear Bred

#84 of claude cuntboy stories virgin claude gets hypnotized by a skunk and gets mass bred at an ursine frat's party as the 'entertainment' i wake up groggy and vaguely nauseated and i don't recognize the room i am in.

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Story Guide: BOVERSE

Same with languages, vague and not-clearly-defined, with some invented terms sprinkled in. below are major countries, along with any notes i've come up with so far about them. their real-world counterpart is listed too.

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A New Phase - Chapter 1

This caught the creature's attention apparently, as it responded quite plainly and distinctly in a vaguely female-seeming voice: "holy shit!!"

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Winter's Palisade: Chapter One

He paused for a few moments in a vague attempt to keep himself calm, but the shaking in his paws and his rapid heartbeat were clear indications of how fearful nick was.

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Writing Assignment: After waking up from a Dream

As time passed by, my mind cleared of the early vagueness and perceived the current reality. what had put an upward curve on my lips, now bended it into a downward flex.

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Post-op images

Perhaps the veil here is still too thin and vague, the pool too clear, the monsters too scary too lean, too mean, too hungry, or perhaps i was too close to death to come away totally unscathed, too close to completely survive.
