Storm Spotted (Welded Sunset)
#237 of short stories a condor mecha is asked to take some measurements.
Welcome to Nottingham
Thomas gasped as the vultures approached him, "e-excuse me? what do you think you're doing?!" shoving the younger fox onto the floor, the vultures grabbed thomas and began forcefully unclothing him.
The Red Princess and Her Trooper Season One EP1
Ghost leader spotted a vulture droid below, turning his starfighter into a dive, he scored an easy kill. a 170 sped by to the right with two vultures on its tail.
Friendly Competition
He could feel himself still becoming nervous as he looked at the shop signs that hung above him until he got to the one with a vulture's head on it.
Whip-Crack Rhapsody
The vulture cawed under his breath. "he'll be disturbed by me, whether he likes it or not." the vulture pushed through a heavy set of double doors, into commander kestral's personal quarters.
CFS 4: Insaitable Appetency
The lemur quietly clutched to the vulture. those wings spread out and began to flap, the vulture huffed, his body and the lemur's were hoisted into the air sluggishly.
The Duel
The voice of richard monachos, a vulture who as befitting his species, was none too pleasant to be around or to look at.
Coran: Prologue
He wanted nothing more than to go to bed, but he was standing watch as his partner, condor, slept in his box. the sergal had refused to sleep anywhere else. at least coran had put a tent over it so condor wouldn't be cold.
In Her Talons
If vultures could even get those. the walls pressed in all around him tightly the moment he was inside. he heard the first aggressive gurgle, but he didn't panic.
The Creeps - Chapter One: Claude
The vulture said nothing.
In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Saturday: Darkest Before the Dawn - Evening
The rail cannons at the front of the vulture were being aimed towards them._ _"hold on tight!"
The Hitchhiker (Commission)
A bright yellow open shoulder sweater and tight jeans were all that protecting him from the wind that buffeted the turkey vulture along his path.