Pizza Party: I'll Be Home for Christmas
His family was all the way in wisconsin. his father worked a dead-end job as a supervisor in a factory that left them barely above water all month. he could pay to fly them to visit, but they couldn't afford not to work.
A New Beginning.
My heart was beating a lot faster now than ever before now that my flight was touching down in wisconsin. i had flown across the atlantic, travelled through five or six time zones to be here.
Ayasha's Adventure - Chapter one - The Reservation
This was my third time visiting my family on the reservation in wisconsin and upon my arrival i was immediately surrounded by the children of the village. _"ayasha!"_ they would scream _"have you returned to tell us more stories?"
A Furry Love Story - The Burning Spotlight
I thought the problem was bad in minnesota, but it was much worse anywhere else i've ever been (especially wisconsin). so i did what most other people did: i took my angst to the internet. at first no one listened or looked at it.
The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 12: Reflections of Passion (part 3)
"man, if only you knew how much i actually love you." i said quietly and turned around logging on to i looked over some of the news and noticed something. that shepherd from my dream. with 4 other furs under the headline 'new wisconsin band takes
The Real Rain Part one
The day is bright and cheery, which is the exact opposite of the mood in the big, blue ranch stile house in wisconsin of one miss. rain muzzle.
33 Floors- Part 1
He wanted things which were large for the town of bien faisant and as the city's mayor wanted to bring great talent in architecture and the illusion of bigness in this small wisconsin town by creating a 33-floor model of the chrysler building to tower over
Cherry: Chapter 10 - Dreamless Sleep
I tried imagining myself faraway, at the wisconsin cabin where no cars or souls surrounded me. it started to work until my tail no longer swished against the balcony floor, but a pair of legs.
Refuge in the Woods
#20 of cherry in this installment of "cherry", markus and cherry have found sanctuary in northern wisconsin (called 'up north' by wisconsinites such as myself), and are getting their bearing after the ocelot has experienced such trauma.
Old Faces
"you told your agent to go send someone to check out this nobody sculptor in wisconsin. it's a big risk.
a yiff cause im bored.txt
(22:19:40) laffinfox: (made in wisconsin) (22:21:27) laffinfox: i approach a familiar husky girl sitting at a table.
My Summer Vacation Diary - CH. 2: Breakfast
In-fact, normally i wouldn't even be here yet, but wisconsin schools let out earlier than niu where my brother was going. so rather than go home for a week, i just came to the cabin early to get some peace and quiet.