End (Gore)

There's no reason to stop, there's nobody left alive that she cares for. The world is nothing but a howling wound, bitter and shattered. Her ears flatten against her head as she peers out of the window, tilting so that she can see between the boards....

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 9 (Book 3)

"Oh, hey Oliver. Come in on your day off, I see. What'll it be? 'My choice?'" Renee smiled at him. They'd had a game going on ever since Renee opened the coffee shop. They called it 'my choice,' because it meant Renee got to guess what he'd like to...

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Fear Pitch Black: Melancholic

Chapter 1 Emmeranne had a place in her coffin near the other side of the dark and spooky Everfree forest. What's in the coffin? A magical mare bat that didn't want to be seen. She asked herself, "My name is Emmeranne. I'm a bat...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 3 (Book 1)

Oliver wasn't entirely sure how he was supposed to act. He watched the people around him, faces all a blur, the world spinning around him. It was always this way when he didn't recognize his surroundings. And now, with the ocean roaring ahead of him,...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 2 (Book 1)

BOOK ONE It was a Sunday morning. Winter was coming up and it would have little effect on the San Diego weather. But the early mornings would be darker, and darker it was. When Oliver awoke it was in Rian's arms. He couldn't have imagined any...

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Vilanova's tale behind his regret

Ernesto Vilanova was recently called to be the heir to the Vilano estate by his grandfather after dealing with a chronic illness that has been leaving him weakened over time. At the time the County was in a small turmoil. Sadly his kingdom revolted...

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Just Another Day

Just Another Day The boy lay cramped up against the tiny little futon, sleeping as peacefully as he could. His dreams were abruptly interrupted by the sudden noise being cast from the alarm on his phone; an annoying beep he'd set up to serve as his...

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TRIGGER WARNING for supernatural self-harm. Diaz is the self-appointed security guard of a museum he's built in which to hold his own artwork. He would never think it fit to expose his art to any other eyes than his own, and would feel too guilty...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 11 (Book 5)

BOOK FIVE "Hey, Ashleigh. I know you don't want to hear from me right now. And... I understand that. You don't have to keep listening if you don't want to. But I don't have a choice. I have to keep talking. This has been weighing on me for sometime...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 4 (Book 1)

Jeff opened the door, looked at the bed in the corner, and shook his head. How could it be that she was always here? And did they do anything else? The tails poking out from under the blanket writhed and wrapped around each other, the shapeless sheet...

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Bowser`s New Girlfriend!!! Sick-Harm

Jewelia looks down at Katie. "Mommy`s got to go. Stay with Kamek. " Katie nods. Jewelia walks down the hall. She meets Kamek. "Watch Katie. Don`t let her near her father." "Yes." Kamek goes to Katie. Jewelia goes out the frount doors. She uses her ice...

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From Heaven, or Near It: Part 10 (Book 3)

Work was numbing and grueling. Take an order, take the money, put on gloves, shave the ice, pour the syrup, hand the over the ice, remove gloves, take an order, take the money, put on gloves... The process repeated endlessly. And as the only employee...

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