A Tapping at the Window

Of course there was some small, coherent part of him that was outraged, humiliated to be permanently transformed into nothing more than a few extra inches of girthy gryph meat.

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Kass' New Instrument

With a final shunt, the rat's pink knuckles were pressed to the rim of the puffing up onyx hole, the initial work sufficient to get the puckering wrinkles to start dilating - the beginning of its permanent transformation into a wet, gaping donut.

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Exposure to werewolf blood causes a permanent transformation. that's what happened to me..."

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Joining The Pack

However, i need to warn you: if you have sex with one of the wolves that carry the genes, you will be permanently transformed into one. our method is reversible and is able to help you find what you want in your journey.

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Copykobold (1/2)

I think the rules change a bit when you indulge in a permanent transformation, but that situation doesn't apply here regardless."

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The Death of a Prince - ACT VI

Stormstride found little application for transforming herself into a stone statue to escape notice or protect herself from harm, however she did feel that permanent transformations of the body were more useful.

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The Bait and Switch P1

Jake had also been offered a spot as a permanently transformed neoprene otter by famjin as well, and though the former human was thankful for the offer, he told his new boss that he would need some time to think about it.

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Pandora's Box: Part 4

Was he about to give in to his lust and become permanently transformed? of course he was. he had gone this far already; why not keep going? it seemed like a win-win scenario to him. fuck it; he'd always wanted a body as she described.

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Shells 00-01 - Hatchday Party at The Ranch

Where her final dissertation involved permanently transforming herself into a female version of herself. no more alternating back and forth between cock and cunt.

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Sent Kobold Chapter 6: Ritual's Consequence

A ritual that would permanently transform him wasn't viable either, he might be in a different form, but he'd still retain a vile and vindictive mind and would still be a danger to all around him, just in a lesser capacity, not to mention it would take to

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Redeeming Beasts

Ever since his permanent transformation, he had lost his sense of time's passage, especially with the sleep he was putting in for several months. he guessed that it was probably six years, but he could be wrong.

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The Lesbian Incident of Emma and Jessica

That was the next step, the reward for the permanent transformation, for giving up her humanity. she only had to will it, to cum anally and become anally--to finally shove the dragon out of her butt.

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