Denial of Information

Zeke had been lying down staring at the ceiling for a while now. The gray wolf shifted in the pile of hay over stone that was his bed in the slave quarters. For the hundredth time, his hand ventured under his pillow to feel the outline of the small...

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Losing the Breaking Game

After spending a lot of time being forced to worship the shaft of the dragon that enslaved him, Ferien was finally given some rest, being sent away to 'his place'. His place was nothing but a ragged, poorly cared for blanket set on the cold hard floor...

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The Breaking Game

The wolf's eyes felt bothered by the bright sunlight as he stared towards the cave's entrance. The entryway was narrow, though only if compared to the great wide space that it opened up to for the cave's center. Inside, dozens of torches adorned the...

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Full College Experience

"Seriously? Porn?" The wolf's question came with a small laugh. Well, fuck, everything does when you're as high as he was. "Yeah, why not? Better than some random crappy movie," the dingo replied with a small laugh of his own. The wolf took another...

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How Royalty Works Part II - Epilogue

Anken felt his whole body aching and hurting. His backside hurt the most, but as he was dragged through the castle, naked and dirty, he kept his eyes closed and head down. The large wolf guards carried him because he could barely walk with how weak his...

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Vulpine Hardship

The king adjusted his hood over his head. Not because he needed to stay hidden, even though he did, but because the night was chilly. There was no sign of the deep snow they were used to, at least not yet, but in these temperatures it would come soon....

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Making an Example

"Fuck you!" The wolf growled. He struggled against the arm keeping him still, but the bondage he had been subjected to left him very little room to do so. He felt a prickle on his neck, which confirmed his fears and bolstered his anger, and then his...

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Vulpine Retribution

"Wha- what is the meaning of this?! Unhand me!" The wolf growled. "You dirty, inferior mongrel sluts! What do you think you're doing?!" Theo watched with a stern expression from across the dinner table as the wolf struggled against the two foxes...

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Curse of Greed

"Excuse me?" the flimsy mage across the counter asked. "It's what ye heard, buddy," the worgen replied. He flashed the mage a grin that had the secondary purpose of showing the large array of pointy teeth adorning his long snout as he leaned further...

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How Royalty Works Part I - Epilogue

His pawpads hurt inside his rough boots. His fur was soaked wet as the light rain kept pouring down on it without ceasing. Walking through the woods was always hard, but these they were in felt even worse. The ground was so muddy his boots threatened...

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Silent Renewal

Raenn walked through the somewhat busy hallways with his head kept low. The couple of servants that walked by him gave him weird glances. A simple dog dressed in clothes as good as the ones he was wearing was definitely not a normal thing. Specially...

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Hook and Line

So many strange people. Every time Emett came to the free lands he couldn't help but be amazed. People of all kinds of species walked the street in front of him, going on their daily business without paying him any mind. The hyenas, jackals, dingos...

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