Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 4

#4 of catacombs of kabal chapter 4 "bless me father for i have sinned... i allowed a man to be sold into slavery that committed no crime. then i proceeded to use him like a slave for my own ends.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 3-Tunnel Rats

The catacombs were dark and damp. torches which burned with an orange flame provided the only illumination besides our own flashlights.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 23

In the meantime, the group on sirius b had changed catacombs, unlocked their weapons, and entered an antechamber of sorts. "strange," whispered camilla, "no one to see or hear."

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Pillars of Folly 2 - Setting up Shop

Graezzit said, "a thank you, so you will remain here, in the catacombs guarding the entrance, it is for your horn."

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Rivals: Escape

Time to get dressed and get her outside to mind the camp while he worked on clearing out the rest of the catacombs.

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Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 6

You both will be locked in the catacombs to be devoured by the undead down there. my children have to eat after all," replied raiden with a grin.

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Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 5

#5 of catacombs of kabal chapter 5 alkaid lazily took a puff from his hookah rubbing his chin slowly with a grin. qab was falling right into his hands. perhaps now was the time to seal the deal?

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Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 3

#3 of catacombs of kabal chapter 3 qab awoke the next morning rubbing his eyes slightly as he heard the knock at his door. he sat up in the bed finding raine wasn't there with him anymore.

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Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 2

#2 of catacombs of kabal chapter 2: raine awoke from his sleep and the first thing he felt was the throbbing headache. where he lay was cold and hard and he didn't dare open his eyes yet.

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Elements of a Shattered Past, Chapter 7: Toast of the Kitsune

"the dark knights have had a few dealings with them and we have had some trouble in the catacombs. an associate of mine and i were planning to investigate soon." this drew the attention of the other kitsune.

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Divine: Chapter 6

Half of it had been in secret, deep in the catacombs of melur where magic was illegal. only the holy miracles of the church was allowed.

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Tutorial (Part 2)

"this chapel contains a passage into the catacombs. in their depths is where we'll find sythius," syrion explained. "okay. let's go," zade said. syrion, followed by zade, continued forward.

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