
Eventually in his travels he came across the world known as earth. choosing to investigate this strange new place he began trying to find a place for himself. as he traveled the world alone, he met many people and civilizations.

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Chapter 8 - Thyme after Time - part 22

A lot of scholars believe they evolved from earth ponies originally."

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Life of a Mortal

Air is the element of freedom, and is rarely seen with earth. water is constantly defending earth and attacking air for its attack on earth.

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1 Down, 400 Billion to go

# 1 down, 400 billion to go. By: Marcus R. Jones The controls vibrated slightly, as the engines roared to life. The fur's paws shaking a little with the excitement of what they were about to do. The air was cool and dry, the lights dark and coming...

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Barren Earth part 2

I could clearly hear explosions in the backround. " i'm sending out a compound wide evacuation notice we're leaving earth." " what?" this time it was pad " you can't do that we don't even know if there are other planets that are inhabitable!"

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Dover: Layer 1: Earth

So this is chapter one, earth. earth is round, and its hard to tell if it has an infinite side or just one side. now go discover for yourself if this earth truly is one sided. go on and read, and maybe reflect and copy the actions dover has taken?

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A lot different from what I usually write. I literally wrote this in a short period of time, after writing it wondering where it had all come from, as I hadn't paused or even stopped as to think about it. My thoughts are still unsure about this one....

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Chapter 8 - Thyme After Time - part 21

For an earth pony, he was incredibly well versed on how to aviate and navigate his airship.

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The Invitation (A gratuitous self insert)

The awkward earth pony is my doing. the earth pony java tales was sitting at his favourite cafe in canterlot, staring at a blank scroll. his eyes were vaguely glazed and unfocused as he tried to come up with something to write.

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Protesting Pegasus Protein

Bug let out a low purr as she reclined like a fat cat, the slow sigh leading into a content murmur before the earth pony gave one last definitive soft swallow to calmly conclude her successful grab and gulp.

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380 Dark Places of the Earth

V=qd6u1bvnd3s save point: dark places of the earth crescent moon bay - the wound in the world inside the rock, the wind and weather is muted.

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Alien Encounters.

---------------------------------- it was a very cloudy day in planet earth. ethan felt as gloomy as the afternoon sky.

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