Tik Tik at the Pooka's Pool 8

The pooka leaps from the boundaries of his pooka pool, galloping through the spooky road. through the piercing sunlight, the mysterious path is less of an enigma and more of a morbid truth.

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Fanfiction - MLP: Tranquiline's Trial by Fire (chapter 1)

The wind she created in her gallop made the heat cool slightly but she knew that if she stopped, the pain would return.

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my story

: no problem see you at the grand galloping gala moonlight: see you there that night at the grand galloping gala...

Chapter 37 - The Southern Raiders

Link watched the stream of violent men galloping towards them with rising alarm. link swerved around on the horse to assess the situation behind them.

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Thunder Spirit- Chapters 1-14

The three of us galloped through the night for perhaps ten minutes, when ming suddenly stopped. kallain and i both ran by her, turning and galloping around her in a circle.

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It's Tough Living on a Farm - Part 3

Until the stallion yelped and galloped out of the stable. he did this for every horse until, in a few moments, they were all neighing and running for the exit, a mass of horses escaping the stables.

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The Fox General: Breach

I hadn't noticed i had ordered my own horse to a gallop along with the fennecs until i noticed the city walls were growing closer and closer. my eye was locked on izil once again.

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The Fox General: Captured

Vito was at my side, holding onto the reins of his galloping horse with all his might. his ears were flattened and his teeth were bared in distress. "what? speak!" i growled. "they're chasing us."

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Beyond Mundane Horizons: A Change of Pace

A massive kick of his hind feet sent divots flying as he took off in a sprint, galloping hard toward the horizon and then, just as the vixen thought he would disappear, making a sharp turn and racing back toward her.

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Equine Togetherness

Seeing a group of horses in the distance he galloped off as fast as he could to join them neighing happily feeling the ground beneath his hooves once again. the end...

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Losing Him

My boys screamed and galloped about the field, begging their companion to join them. but diego would never buck or squeal or gallop ever again. through the night, i flinched away from their grief, burrowing deeper into my own.

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