Taming the Wilds Chapter 17

Boulder shifted uncomfortably, taking a long drag of the herbal drug and coughing softly. he wished he could take the smooth smokey breaths his satyr friend did. treant made smoking look sexy. "no.

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To Dream of Darkness - Ch 11

She flipped through the pages, looked at a few diagrams, and said, "it's just an herbal, like many father had. the handwriting looks a little odd, but i can read it quite easily."

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Slave Trade - Convalescence

The horse reached over and slid the herbal bowl back behind himself to the fox. "thank you." sidney noted, accepting the bowl and the bandages already soaking within them.

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Pool Party (Prior) -- Big Catches

He'd been working at herbal renewals for about a month now. and the pay was a lot better than his old job. but he still hated the hours. "what kind of job doesn't let out 'til 5:30?" "this job," a familiar voice rang out.

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She left out of a site for a movement, but returned with clean bandages, and herbal lotions.she knelt down,  fresh bandages in hand. ' oh lord forgive me ' , he thought. all he could think about was that dream he had last night, at this moment.

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Artifact 401231.705

herbal tea had tried, brewed from the leaves of the jagua tree("genipa americana l."). the intent of this folk remedy was to dissolve the parasite's skeleton, allowing it to be removed from the patient.

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The Grandmaster of Sarthas - Chapter 14

Bomani poured over his books, looking for some herbal remedy to ease the suffering of his patient. he had already purged the poison that had seeped into his veins the night before, but that was no guarantee of life at this point.

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Comrades in Arms

Dasher remark holding up a tin of herbal gel. after removing the top the gel was a pale teal color. this particular stuff had many uses, one being used for burns or rashes.

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Comrades in Arms (a Gift Story)

Dasher remark holding up a tin of herbal gel. after removing the top the gel was a pale teal color. this particular stuff had many uses, one being used for burns or rashes.

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Stollen Heat (rewrite)

As i walk over to my mate has a contraceptive herbal item ready called bitter leaf and have her drink it. we'll try again next year hun she nods as she apologizes for her instinctive breeding.

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Chapter one Part one

Meanwhile his mother to her own replanting of her herbal inventory.

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After Mom's Date

For years, he'd been taking herbal supplements to make him sound and look more like a girl - he wasn't ready to get lopped yet, or to get implants, but this was a nice middle ground, and one that his mother approved of fully.

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