Spirit Bound: Historical Data
**'conor' quinn:** 268-322 ce, northern ireland. druid. border collie. quinn spent his early life a village in what is now northern ireland.
Dolphin Family (part 2) - Mother's Love
An open part of the ocean directly 5 miles west of ireland's west coast. the sea kept on moving its waves. never stopping, eternally migrating.
Break, or How I Became A Superhero
The duo made their way to europe and made a home for themselves in dublin, ireland (apparently for no reason other than because scorn liked the name) where they proved the old adage that if you have enough disposable income you can get away with anything.
Red Steel
The last howl of a wolf to ever be heard in ireland. he took the sword and the scabbard offered by his father and let the old king lie still in the field.
Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety
I need conor with me and i'm not willing to rely on the pup to be the only form of transport between nova scotia and ireland." liam's eyes narrowed. "that's unreasonable, lad.
When catholicism invaded ireland, his family pretended to convert, secretly keeping the old ways alive, passing them down from generation to generation.
A Fox's Family (Part 8)
Frost and thumper would go in this first jump along with the team's demolitions expert, a black labrador from ireland by the name of "ticker." on their way to the door, thumper gave july a brief glance of doubt, something that took the fox by surprise.
Sticking your...nose where it doesn't belong.
#1 of non-erotic stories a young wolf on a college trip to ireland finds there might be more hidden beneath a castle then first appears. a story request by [friskecrisps](https://www.sofurry.com/user/pm/view?
Chapter Five: The Date, The Bully and The Sister!
It read: "ireland unfree shall never be at peace." -pádraig anraí mac piarais and below that was written: éirinn go brách , ireland forever! tobi looked around some more then returned to his seat next to cody.
On the Run
"have you thought about what it's going to be like, seeing him in ireland?"
“The Tale of Willy-The-Wisp” As told to me by my Great Grandfather.
My grandfather was born and raised in dublin ireland and had lots of rich old stories to share!
(no title yet)
I'm wasn't sure if this was normal for american schools, myself hailing from the republic of ireland where wood & brick made up most buildings.