The Ceremony of Dragons: Chapter One

The tunnel opened up all of a sudden into a colossal limestone cavern set in golden hues of stone, a massive feature that had been carved and hollowed out over many, many centuries before xigfeldo's time on the earth had even come to be.

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995 A Dart Made Of Black Paper

You write on it with ink made from pale pigments, ground shell and limestone, eggshell, but the colors aren't that consistent and so it works better if you add a toner that turns the letters a vivid shade of red, slightly raised against your fingertips.

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Delta Chronicles ch.4

An explosion sent joe up and into the wall behind the boy, slamming him up against the limestone. "rpg!" jack yelled too late, as another explosion rocked the area around the delta's.

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New, Exciting Prospects

Solid floors of limestone and walls painted white gave the room a brightness that was hard to mimic, and it was an entirely intentional design choice.

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Wish's Want

Vylk said, patting durt's neck and pointing to a cliff upon which rested the ruins of a familiar orange limestone building, familiar because he had heard of its mention by a traveler only a few days ago.

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The Mentorship

Her face shrouded in shadow, she reached into her robes and pulled out a leather satchel, untied the cord, and dumped the contents into the limestone bowl.

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Meet Me in the Cave (Patreon)

It was lined by limestone on either side and extended into a dark void. despite the emptiness that this entrance entailed, there came the very recognizable tune of music wafting from deep within the hill.

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The Safeword is 'Papa' (ch.6)

At the center of the limestone egg where the yolk might have been was an ancient-looking tree, it's branches sagging beneath untrimmed boughs. how it survived down here on paper lanterns and no natural sun, i had no idea.

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The Outlander 1 6

The great badger lived in a fabled palace built from white limestone with a pagoda tower spiralling into the heavens.

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Capital Value

We're sitting on the limestone wall again, looking out over the barren plains of dust, grey towers muddying the distant horizon beyond. i nod. 'he told me his intentions.'

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The Faux Statue

Palm trees sat in golden pots of earth beside limestone entrances that led off to elaborate hallways, posh restaurants, and bustling game rooms.

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Lyra, Ritual

The stone was crudely carved limestone bricks mortared together. the floor was a single surface, also limestone, that had been smoothed down by a combination of deliberate effort and possibly centuries of ware an tear.

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