A New Me

It was so pressurized that it splattered right out the sides of his mouth, coating the thickness of her member with even more pre. it was like a water balloon had gone off, with much of it splattering to cover more of the bedding.

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Smoking Obscenities

Soon, a few jets of smoke emanated from them before being extinguished with a few more splatters of precum.

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It splatters onto the toilet seat to splash onto my balls as i let it plop into the toilet between my legs.

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No Mares Needed

As the tip passed his now loose ring, it loudly popped out, thick white stallion cream splattering all over al's rear end.

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Gangster Unicorns (pt 3)

He was still coming, in little burbles that splattered across sunder's face and drooled down garr's fingers.

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Gangster Unicorns (pt 2)

Balio stroked his cock as it splattered precome all across his face, lapping and sucking at the head.

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Raymond's Toy

The preliminary load in his stomach mixed with the fresh one, and soon his stomach's contents were being splattered all over his real self.

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Gold Digger: Curse of the Amulet (Comic Script)

Her semen splatters over brianna's bare breasts, while her nectar runs down the fur of her thighs. **cheetah** : huff! anh!!! **sound fx:** gush! splatter! jet!!!

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Necessary Cruelty

He stood up with a soft splatter of pre that poured off his lap onto the plastic mat for his wheeled desk chair. he tugged off his boxer which splattered mutely into the puddle at his feet before he crept into the hall slightly.

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Monsters in Lust: Part Seven

It was the way of it, giving all up only to be reborn in the lustful fire of climax, and he leaned into it with the hunger of a true breeder, tongue hanging out, drooling splattering over the mare beneath him.

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Siblings Love 5: Parental Discretion is Advised

His face being splattered with his mothers cum as his legs got splattered with crystals juices and her insides get splattered with his seed... #### #### #### the family was stuck like that for a while, well everyone but marie.

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A spurt of precum jetted from his tip, splattering over his tummy as he giggled, smearing it in with his free paw. finding that pre made for a good lubricant.

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