The Man that Saved us all
Black hair and a will of steel. he was the bravest of us all in sword art online...
SYBT: When A Dragon Loves A Man
The hair on his arms seemed to just melt into the steel as it spread upward leaving him with smooth steel for skin.
Belonging With You
#7 of reforged steele steele now had a lot to think about, but there are some certain canines that need his attention. patreon|ko-fi| posted using postybirb morning came all too soon.
Master Steele Chapter Six: Jenna wants Steele bad
It felt like a century before jenna made it to steele's desk and walked around it to stand in front of steele. steele's chair was swiveled to face jenna and steele himself was taking in the amazing view of his secretary.
Teaser: Balto bitches
The other female was named steele, and in contrary of jenna, steele wasn't born female. she had been transformed from male to female a year ago by a strange white wolf to punish her from attacking balto.
Nightmare Borne of Blood
_'have you done it, steele?'_ a voice in his head called to him. "'s done!" steele nodded. at least he hoped he had.
steele's revenge: chpt 1: steele's revenge
steele's revenge a lone dog lay outside in the cold december night, abandoned by all, his once looked after coat a mess, he was so hungry.
Master Steele Chapter Seven: Balto goes to the dogs
Balto looked at steele in shock and found steele's words oddly comforting almost to the point of commanding. "it was rather brilliant given i only had a brief time to do so.
Where All the Bones are Buried P2
~steele i was screwed! i had been careless and stupid to let myself get so out of control!
Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 2
"sure just make sure to have a trash can nearby for when steele gets sick." commander feral replied giving steele a dirty look. "uh commander i think i should stay here and keep watch over your wife." steele said.
steele walked over to jenna. "hey, jen," he said, smiling. "oh, hey, steele," jenna said in reply. "enjoy the race?" steele asked. "yeah; probably not as much as you did," jenna said. "thanks," steele said. balto watched, feeling sad.
Balto, Aftermath [Aleu has no one. I must be the one, and damnit, I will.]
I sat on the decrepit matrices that groaned at the weight that i set upon the solid steel bars. it was a brand new bed.