Cyanide of Riddance chapter 6.

_And so I, boydane, set out to solve the mystery of why the heck we aren't censored anymore. _Boydane said into the camera. _And to prove to these furries that that I was a serious mystery solver. And then, I made the most shocking discovery of all...

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Misery Ch.4 Goodbye...

Here's chapter 4 Here's another chapter....... Yes I know... Another short chapter, but a long time period for it... Well... It's really hard for me to write okay? Only because it's hard for me to be on my cpu, come on SF and/or write an SF...

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Misery Ch.3 Bullies...

Here's chapter 3 Here it is... Chapter three... I'm sorry it's taking long to submit these short chapters... But, um... There getting longer at least... This is where the creature is partially revealed... Yes I know the way I did it...

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Chapter-5_What dreams may Kill

"Sir, you need to see this." The officer stated when he walked up to the detective. Grant looked up, still holding Lisa who was wrapped in the bed covers. "Alright, excuse me a second Grant". And the detective walked out of the living room into the...

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Chapter-4_Waking Nightmare

Grant awoke, still groggy, to a click. It sounded like a lock. Grant looked over to see Lisa beside him, still asleep, breathing softly. He smiled, her warmth against him. He wanted to touch her, but was afraid it wouldn't be proper. After all, it...

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Legend of the Justicar Act1/Part 4

"_c-copy...that-rendezvous at-at-"_ the other end of the call buzzed with static causing john to swear knowing the undead must have had some kind of jammer up.

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Legend of the Justicar Act 1/Part 3

[Milky Way Galaxy/ Valor Controlled Territory/ Sepress Cluster/ Ares Battle Cruiser/ Medical Ward/ Star Cycle 534, Year 3,528] Arjun winced as the medical android took a piece of metal shrapnel out of his left shoulder before it placing it in a...

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Preview for Maverick Hotel Part 24

"Wait, what?!" Kevin stood up straighter. Mary next to him gasped in shock and frightened alarm, as did my father, who appeared as if he were on the verge of collapsing backwards on the bed. Mom, however, didn't hesitate to grab their suitcases left...

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The world expands ch.2 - OH F***

The world expands chapter 2 to "the world expands" quick warning to those who are against some of the stuff included in this "novel" if you want to call it that, there will be sadness, romance, sex, hints of vore since were dealing with sergals, tons of swearing

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Dear Brother: Drama

"but i swear it will just be us-" "there is no more _us_! not after you violated my trust like this for two years. it would take way more than you've got to offer to get it back."

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The Legend of Spyro: The Return of the Dark Master 3

"i swear we could've been crashed many times!" brandon nodded a little lost in his own thoughts at the moment until cynder tapped his head with her nail. "hey you okay?" she asked as brandon sighed. "it's just..." he started.

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Digimon: Two Blood 2

**Chapter Two** Brandon drove in the back seat of a black sport car, the man known as Sampson drove in silent as well as he, as the Hybrid Digimon/human began to pounder what was going on. He was given his old clothing, save for the red open shirt...

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