Tragic Life Part 4....

Kyle couldn't sleep. The room seemed to spin over and over again. His head hurt and the spanica pita he had enjoyed for diner was not sitting with him well. Looking over to the time...

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Tragic Life Part 3....

Was his mind playing tricks on him? "No couldn't be" they're the fox sat looking straight at him in the flesh. It became evident to Kyle that if the cute fox had made this much eye contact he must want something, so he slowed his swimming to a...

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Tragic Life Part Two

The hotel room was cold and Kyle was once again tired, rather worn out. The plane ride was uneventful, if somewhat dull. Hearing his friends.... Co workers talk about their families, wife, and children. It became quite annoying. He was the...

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The Last Game of the Master Domino Player

Wrote this a while ago in the same week i experienced a tragic and personally devastating loss, the loss of my grandfather. this poem was a tribute to him and it won't be the last one i have to post out of my backlog.

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Memories of a Painful Past - Chapter One

#1 of memories of a painful past the tragic story of how a young dragon lost everything at the hands of men. this is the first chapter of a tragic tale that was first conceived four years ago.

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Tanuki Turned Hacktivist

My name didn't matter in real-life. To my family and the rest of Tokyo's bustling passerby, I was just a regular tanuki in his early thirties. Sure, I required a wheelchair to navigate parts of my apartment and mainly the street, but I didn't...

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He was born with an elongated and deformed nose, giving him a horse like appearance, a tragically bent spine which forced him to walk on all fours, two leathery stump like warts on his back and a rough, scaly skin.

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short story: time of dragons

It is tragic for those who try to get along with magic, it is tragic for me. for you see, i wanted to be a wizard for all my life. i tried to understand the powers at play, but i was caught and my books were burned to ash.

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A Dolphins Crush: in the Beginning pt 1

But at that age your not really thinking about sex, but since now i am adult, it seems to be on my mind a bit, i just want to settle down with a nice mate and raise a family. speaking of family, my family has had a few tragic event in the last few years by

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Oh So Tragic - Part 1

Smiling, she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep to the tragic story of an innocent retriever. another victim of whitefire zilaco tequilla.

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Triumph and Tragedy (A battle ballad)

'tis kin war's tragic cost. columns of fresh crisp uniforms stand at the end of night. lined up like toy tin soldiers, just pawns in the general's sight.

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Futile Love

Death does not serve in the defense of the tribe, except in these tragic cases. but if tragedy will ensure survival, it will continue endlessly.

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