Midterms pt 3
Prev-[http://www.sofurry.com/view/453155](http://www.sofurry.com/view/453155) A short time later, Gem called us into the dining room saying dinner was ready. So we got up and took our time entering the dining room and taking our seats. Gem served us...
Haruki, Pt 3
The third part of the story. May take a break after this. Three stories in one week is a little much for me… And yes. Purpleheart is a real wood, found in Central and South America. Look it up if you don’t believe me. I have also heard aromatic red...
Runaways: Pt. 3
~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. Try not to get caught. If you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy! \*\*\* "You scared... Bartleby...?"...
WOLF - pt.3
An hour later I found myself still handcuffed but no longer sat in that small interrogation room. Instead I had traded one enclosed space for another. It turned out the man who smelled of snakes was one Mr Linus Eckhardt. He was a blend of various...
The Chamber Pt. 3
The chamber pt. 3 by: silverback christianpaw silverback planned to rescue zero from king maran's disgusting proposal but things went arye when he was discovered by maran's soldiers.
Chapters, pt 3
Chapters, pt 3 copyright 2008 comidacomida travis drifted for a time between the stages of asleep and awake, riding the currents of a euphoric existence somewhere beyond consciousness, but just peeking out from sleep.
The Girls' Pt. 3
The rush of hot water burst across his face, and Ardanis sighed heavily, blowing a spray of it across the shower wall. Where it coursed over him, he could feel the stiffness leeched from his cum-stained fur, and the soreness from his muscles...
The Farm Pt. 3
Lopez sat behind his desk, scowling at Jesse, his arms folded loosely across his broad chest as the coyote grumbled and muttered about bad omens and the brood. 'And why isn't it?' Lopez demanded. 'It just...
Cowbell Pt. 3
Cowbell Part 3 10 months. James had been stuck as a huge dairy cow for 10 months. Shortly after his stint with their bull, Henry, Holly had informed him he was pregnant and would have to give birth before he could return to normal. It had been...
The Watch Pt 3
I breathed deeply a few times, trying my best to calm myself. I wasn't nervous, not really. I had done the change before, four times now, to be exact. It wasn't my nervousness that I was trying to hide. It was my erection I didn't want every person in...
Inqu Pt.3
I cough as I sit up, panting lightly I rub my head and look at my clock. "Midnight...Lame." I stretch and shake my head. "Stupid nightmares..." I sigh as I turn to the side and climb out of bed. I yawn and whimper as I step into the bathroom. "You...
Property Pt 3
**_\*\*\*A_** **_Year And A Half Ago\*\*\*_** Malphas awoke with pounding headache akin to having nails hammered into his brain, centering just behind each of his eyes, and that damned bird which was chirping away sounded as though it were shrieking...