The Past is Another Country: Chapter Four

A black van was parked nearby and angus reached into his pocket for the keys. suddenly, the alleyway was lit up by a pair of headlamps "what the..." angus began.

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Claude gets Lucky 2

And he notices angus for the first time. "who's the big horse?" dad asks. "dad, this is your new son in law, angus 'lucky' mac griffin" i say smiling. angus stands up. "he's a big one, claude" dad says. and i know that look.

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The Moonweaver Chronicles 2-4

angus asked, i suspect that he might have had some worry that she was one of the siblings that would try to seek revenge.

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The Four Forces: Prologue

Burst angus, all excited. "now i'll count to 200 and then you go hide with ciril!" "come angus!" called ciril, tried to sound calm and firm. "i'm going to cirith amusement park, father!"

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 4) - Mediocre

angus asked as bea squeezed through the door of the abandoned party barn. "angus, i've heard most of them before. don't you remember? i sequenced the drum parts when casey was in jail." "oh yeah. well... what do you think of them anyway?" "they suck.

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Bearing up to it Part 4

"i'll explain it to angus and we'll see how it works" nigel says kissing his big bull. angus looks so happy. i hug our scots bull.

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Finders - Keepers and Bully for All

angus!" alice gave a smirk of a smile and the two turned around to walk back into the house. as mr. mason clicked off the backyard lights a loud bellowing from the angus bull echoed into the night.

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Beatrice Santello Part 2 - #9

"bea, do what you think is right," angus said from behind her and she turned around. "thanks angus. i hope we don't get into too much trouble, but we've got to tell them." "we could... i dunno, leave a note or something," mae suggested. "na.

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Random Rabbit Shorts - Wendell and the Creeper Flower

"angus," he said, his tail whipping merrily behind him. "well, angus... would you happen to be doing anything for the next... two days or so?"

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"angus, i..." "what the fuck were you doing?" "angus, i'm sorry, i..." "what the hell? are you fucking gay zeb?" "angus, i..." "answer me!" my best friend shook like a leaf, and gulped a few times, his adams apple bobbing, then he lowered his head.

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Beatrice Santello (Ch 5) - Receiving

"gnight angus." "wait! angus? you still there?" "yeah?" "i'm really happy you and gregg are getting along again." "thanks bea." she closed angus' icon and opened the contacts section and started a new contact with casey's id.

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