I remember the first time I had someone mythical. I remember her very well. For whatever reason, a fluke of demographics, not many of the species lumped together as 'mythic' for who knows what ancient reasons settled here near Tischwood. I myself...
THe Glowing Chapter 6
Chapter 6 At last Austin has reached Phil Walker's apartment, he is on the second floor of a small building, the number on the door is 6. Has his hand outreaches to touch the door, a flash in his mind shows him that he has been in the building before,...
The Glowing Chapter 5
Chapter 5 After the fight on the rooftop Austin falls down the steps of the apartment, Austin is hurt, he doesn't know how bad, only that he is. Rob drags him the rest of the way to the first floor and into the tool room. Rob takes a broom he saws it...
The Glowing Chapter 4
Chapter 4 The bus comes to a stop, Austin gets off. There is constructions all around him. This place where he had been born and raised is slowly changing. In another few years, everything that he had know might be gone. [G1] [G2] The last stop on...
Red Twilight: the avatar Awakend Chapter 5
**Chapter 5** Blood For Days Meyu trains Razuki, teaching him what she is, and now what he is. The Methuselah have most of the powers of your typical vampire; superhuman strength, the ability to jump ten stories straight up, to see though walls,...
Red Twilight: The Avatar Awakend Chapter 2
Chapter 2 Track 1: Phantom Reign Several days ago, Razuki Lowe, the man called N, was called to Russia to assist N.A.T.O. in a routine examination of a power plant. It is considered common practice to have along a intelligences agent almost any time...
Backstory: Child of the Sands originally started out as a spur of the moment Role Play between myself and [...
The King's Contest
The three had heard the royal decree of the great king of Parthia- he was a lion without an heir, long since a widower, very old and unable to produce a son, and about to pass away. Sensing the nearness of his impending doom, the lion set out for a...
SPQR Chapter 7
No sooner had Martellus Lisenius entered the Senate than a feeling of dread encompassed him. The wolf looked out across the seats and saw other Senators who had just been sworn in (elections were out of the question, one of the new "reforms" the new...
Drone Costume
Hrodi got some cardboard and carefully built a box to fit over his forehead and cover his temples. He painted it gray and added some circles in different colors like the real ones he had seen on worker drones. He didn't get all the details right,...
The Sidewinder
The sidewinder by slight ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) author's notes: this story is copyright (c) 2010 slight bloodhounds and dobermans and gay furry smut so if you don't like that sort of thing you know what to
Midline Shift 25 - Missing Pieces
I don't care if it's one word in a damn news report, get onto the nos astra authorities and demand they tell you everything."