Chapter 1: EMI
Therefore, he reinstalled the primary collector, and pulled out the secondary collector. on the small screen sitting by the machine, a light blinked on, and one off, showing the switched cards.
Freelancers, Chapter Seventeen
"a little over two years ago, the original ssv _normandy_ encountered an advanced, extremely powerful ship which belonged to a species known as the collectors.
Bone Collector Badge
Tyler was looking for animal bones in attempts to get the coveted bone collector badge. he only needed two more different animals and the badge would be his, so he had his eyes peeled for anything of the sort.
Arcadia: Encountered
A quick sniff of his scent revealed him to be a collector, crash if he wasn't mistaken. "hey crash." the collector turned, mirthful brown eyes reminding him a lot of skip. "renegade! hey!"
Spider Empire 03: Warrior
He needed food again, without collectors, he would have to go out as well... "alpha, this is your first time stepping out of the cave...
Voyager: Chapter 17
"something is going on with the collectors." she said and folded her arms across her chest. "they just stopped advancing for some reason." "stopped?" i asked. collectors were relentless when they put their minds to something.
The Traveler, Part One
That, and the fact that the "president" was a complete nutcase and had collectors hovering above every country on earth. but, even after the surrender, the collectors went active, vaporizing all life underneath them.
Chapter 1: Old bond as everlasting as Jade
A gvtre collector, some may say he is a passionate one on top of that, even going as far as a constant duel with a lot of other collectors and even bid more than the prophet.
Unique -or- “Ain't No Thing Like Me”
The collector had been wrong. the end
From Bargain Bin to Premium Prototype (2/2)
Sirens could be heard in the distance as the two collectors watched the flames explode out before they took their things and made their way back to the factory.
Startopia: The Hovel of Outer Space
At the far end of the sector was the solar collector, built into the hull and sinking 3 feet into ground level, still intact but turned off by a careless maintenance worker.
Voyager: Chapter 16
It kept the collectors out, but there were no collectors around. primary directive moved them. i could barely feel his presence. he didn't know i was now spying on him. good, as long as he remained ignorant of me, the others would stay away.