Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #13- No Fooling Around
The game itself was quite exciting, with the home team making a comeback in the fourth quarter to recapture the lead, only to lose in the final seconds by a single bucket.
A Story of Light and Dark-Chapters 1 & 2
Sure, most of them where aimed at fathren, but he always had a comeback that left everyone at the table laughing. soon enough, the food had been eaten and everyone went about their own chores.
After gym session
He cursed himself and tried to think up a witty comeback. "not as many as you i'm sure." the wolf laughed and held out a large paw. "the name's frazer." feeling slightly less nervous now casper held a paw out to shake. "casper."
Draw to the Heart (teaser)
Unsure of a comeback, he waddled after the tall doe. around back, cindy knocked on the door before pushing it open and walking in.
Chapter Two
He always gives me sassy comebacks to use against someone, and you know his dress. he does manly things like martial arts and his voice is not effeminate, but i worry about him.
Nitro: i think you messed up his comeback! tommyfox: i know. hehehehe. (thunder can be heard) ziggo: guess we're getting a storm today. erik: that's weird, they said it was supposed to be sunny.
The Battle Beyond the Field - An Interview With the Legend
Commander shadow had agreed to be interviewed, in hopes that the world would once again accept him into its modern day society, so that he could order a tactical comeback for his broken military.
Tail Pipe-CH1 incomplete
Next part of the s-curve came up and she let the rear of the car swing out a little more than normal before flooring the gas and causing the rear to shoot back around in the opposite direction.it was perfect everything was perfect and she would have her comeback
the intro
Tails did send chris' stuff back with a model of the gateway they used to comeback to mobius, but came though mostly mangled due to tails new found carelessness.
Day of Xisk
There isn't really a need to concentrate on this trial anymore, unless the defense creates the best comeback to ever happen in the history of law!" exclaimed xisk. rela grinned, "that's what i wanted to hear."
An Ordinary Day - Chapter 5: Yaoists, Fear Them
Look's like hikari knows how to give a good comeback too. kuuki releases me from her vice grip. "now, now you two. play nice." tsuchi lets go as well. "yes, ma'am."
Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace Chapter 6
Tom was about to say some smart-ass comeback but toshi cut him off. "no i don't want to hear it." toshi muttered as he visibly shook with anger.