The Jade Empire: Ch2
#2 of the jade empire wanna see the first chapter? excited for more? want to check out the discord? merry christmas kids!
The Jade Empire: Ch1
Four days later of the same routine, we finally got a glimpse of the jade empire far off in the distance.
The Galactic Leonian Empire
Over the course of this proxy war numerous close calls to full scale war between the two space faring empires occured. the flr aided greatly in negotiating these crisis.
New Spartan Empire
I suppose I'm like every other man in America, I work each day go home get mediocre sex from a wife who has gotten as fat and lazy as I have and sweat about the mortgague and the car payments. I work as an electrician in a non union shop (means...
The Glory of an Empire, A Prelude
On the ruined elfish lands the wolves built a new country, the greater wolfish empire, lead by my unofficial father kaiser dietrich von dorchester v. in the short time of 56 years they worked and built what was the most powerful empire in the world.
Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire
As a union of nations, though clearly preferential toward the haromians, the greater haromian empire relaxed its ideas of racial purity in order to keep the empire together.
Insurrection - Prologue
He saw humanity's domination of the empire, and didn't even mind it. his loyalty to the emperor and the empire was absolute.
Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities
The regulian empire, on the other hand, offered protection.
He said that at first the empire and island federation had some sort of agreement involving this mineral. the islanders would mine the stuff and the empire buys it, seems simple. then something happened.
File #2
The triangle sector, a name which sounded mysterious yet also sparked curiosity, was a region of space intersecting the three major powers of the beta quadrant, the united federation of planets, the klingon empire and the romulan star empire.
A Brief History of the CICS
Now chiefly located in the southwest lupine empire- one of the oldest and arguably the most powerful empire in the known world. at one time the le had spheres of influence on every continent, a massive and global empire.
Custodian history lesson.
It was at then the remaining valdari government acted to preserve the empire.