Gulping Gryphons
The gryphon shuddered happily, cooing like a dove as the dragon penetrated him.
Of Hippogriffs and Gryphons
Not gryphons. well, gryphons but gryphons unlike the ones that he had met before, their sweet scents luring him on, fruity in essence and drawing him to salivate.
Feasting Gryphons
He finally squeaked, drawing a stir from the gryphoness. "good gryphon. now, you two need your rest. don't worry, i wiiiill return."
Gryphon Whims
It was subtler than the glimmer in his eye, but like most gryphons he was no stranger to the magical side of the world. and he was not exactly a gryphon who was about fighting fair.
Skydarian Gryphons
Small gryphons are 6' or less, medium gryphons are 6-8', and large gryphons are 8-10'. males are generally 1' taller than females. the wingspan ranges from 20' to 30' and the wings fold up against the gryphon's sides when not in use.
Justin the Gryphon
With an evil laugh, the gryphon said, "how do you like my chicken feet? eh?
Gryphon's Secret
#53 of short stories a gryphon answers to an inquiry, while concealing the true answer. ~ the gryphon's loins flared to life as the raccoon inquired of his opinion.
The Soaring Gryphon
#3 of stories made of starfire another of my stories made of starfire, this one inspired by the amazing music project x: the soaring gryphon.
The Gryphon Stable
He jerked his head up as the hisses and trills of gryphons reached him and caused his heart to leap up in his chest with fear. the gryphon stable.
Gift of a Gryphon
Not even for an instant as she took control of her gryphon, as she began to ride her gryphon and roll him into the bed below. it was not as simple as using her nethers to capture him. no, it was and always would be an act of making love.
The Gryphon's Place
Dragons and gryphons didn't get always get along, and when they actually came to blows, gryphons were almost always the ones that got the worst of it.
The Gryphon's Meal
"purrrrrrrfect," the gryphon literally purred. " dear otter, i hope you enjoy watching your love disappear down my gullet." the gryphon turned her head to stare into the terrified eyes of the otter.