The Devil Renamon saga part 3
, jade asks.
The Thing About Religion
jade looked up. nathan had left his seat and sat down next to jade. naomi looked like a truck just hit her.
Jade`s adventures Volume: 1 The beginning of the story
jade picks up the phone, and the voice of an old acquaintance of the snake can be heard from the phone. " jade ?" - says the voice "yes professor?"
The Nightmare of Nightmares
jade nodded fearfully.
Bunny Ears
jade's mother raised an eyebrow, "jade honey why do you keep talking to your lopunny like he will talk back?" jade quickly blushed "oh nothing, am i talking weird?
Jade's trip to the fair 2
"k" jade replied, as archer took jade's hand and they walked towards the fair. jade loved the smell of the fair and, was interested in the farris wheel, ooh cotton candy jade thought. "mine!!" jade called pulling archer towards it.
Family Journal Chapter 2
Archer carried justin to the playground followed by a waddling jade. archer placed justin in one of the swings, "want me to push you?" jade wandered off, "hi what's your name?" a 2 year old squirrel asked walking up to jade. "jade."
An Amazon in Africa 2
Sara spreads jades ass cheeks and starts licking the tight flexing hole making jade quietly moan and grab her own breast.
How To Train Your Pet Dragon
Satisfied...the stay tied for a while till jade relaxes enough for roy to finally pull out. when he does, with jade laying on the floor, he starts to lick her again, to clean her up. as he does, jade pets his mane "good dragon."
Problems being DogTier
Attempting to pull free from the blind troll's nook jade found herself stuck and let out a sigh. "wooof. this is awkward."
The Jade Warrior - Chapter 3
He walked straight to a large closet on the other side, going past all his relics and collections he got from his days as a jade warrior. jao pulled open the closet slowly revealing his jade warrior armour and weapon.
Family Journal Chapter 3
He wanted to see jade. archer lifted justin to the table, and jade gave his brother a hug, "i'm ok" justin murmurd, calming down as jade hugs him.