Hellhound Lifts His Tail

There was a hotness in there, a spiciness that cut through the sour smells in the air.

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He had to quickly chew and swallow, because it was so sour that if he left it idle on his tongue all his taste buds would go numb. there was even a hint of... heat? the skin was spicy, the meat of the fruit was sour.

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Small Savior Ch.1 A dream job

The pink one is pink sours, and the blue one here is called screwberry" he whispered in his ear rubbing a paw up his muscle shirt and under his chin.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 40

She's just sour and i don't want any of your stupid grapes because they're _sour_! you hear me you giant piece of trash!? sour, i say!! s-

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Ragnarok - XIV

The other short and stocky, full of sour looks, and in his beard he scowled suspiciously around. yet so like were these two unlike in movement and wariness, that they seemed more identical than twins.

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Sweet Treats for Emma

Hir tongue snaked out to give hir sole a lick and discovered a taste of sour candy instead of the expected strawberry jello. shi looked closer and saw that each of hir feet had shifted to being coated in the sour candy powder.

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a blast for the past

We were going to have sweet and sour chicken but we'll have what you are having" "i love sweet and sour chicken" katie replied. "fine, sweet and sour chicken for dinner then" hiro said before vanishing.

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The Hunter's Green Test run

His face was pinched and a little sour. " al out thought you." the bear says blandly. " not that dummy" the mouse said and playfully punched the bear's arm, as his sour look dissolved into a little smile.

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The Owners of Livestone

Therin's face soured, "he's back." she pointed. henry looked down at the furs carrying off the body of the thylacine. "damn him." "tell me about it.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 41

She's just sour and i don't want any of your stupid grapes because they're _sour_! you hear me you giant piece of trash!? sour, i say!!

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Royal Guard Duty

** a steamy sour fart bellowed out into belman's face! he winced in response to the tingling sensation in his nostrils and waved his shield in front of him trying to fan off the stench.

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Making Scents of Life - Part 6: Farewells

Characteristically, the bartender didn't ask her why she was there so early, but left her to her thoughts as she started on an amaretto sour.

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