Growth Spurt - Enmos TF by ADF

Even his penises, which were now astonishingly the length of his arms and just as thick felt as is they had superhuman strength of their own.

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Request for Wyraachur - Dragon/Nidoking TF

Even his penises, which were now astonishingly the length of his arms and just as thick felt as is they had superhuman strength of their own.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Fourteen

Not even my superhuman strength would do me any good here. if i didn't want these two to serve me up as an amburger tonight, i was going to have to find a different way to beat them.

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The Erotic World of Hermpires: Anais beta

The ring must have also given me superhuman physical abilities in order to ensure my success, she thought to herself, now taking care not to awake anyone else early.

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An Advanced Reality

._ the fun aspect of the game--ninja fall, or something like that--was that everything was almost superhuman.

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The Institute: Collaboration

He had more muscle, the imperfections laid upon him by his birth were rendered null or corrected, his eyesight was superhuman, actions were as fast as his thoughts, but no greater.

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Bruce and Jacki

Bruce's powers included superhuman strength,speed and durability but his speed was no where near that of jacki's. in a race she beat him before he made it a fourth around the track.

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Hive Ch.1

His stomach gurgled and shrank, the food being processed superhumanly quickly into bone and muscle and tissue. all too soon it was over. instead of being a stick, he was... wiry.

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Silver Lake

The superhuman strength of vincents punch sent the man flying into the steel door at the other end of the ally, the impact of his body actually dented the door's thick steel.

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A virgin's dream

I start to build pressure within my bell end as she is screaming in lust and sensational pleasure as we begin to climax we use our wolf like strength to pump superhuman style. as i orgasm i let out a loud howl as does hailey squirting our cum everywhere.

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Chapter 6 - Doctor Lionthorn Webers

"during my research, i learned the indagator mutations make you appear perpetually young, and permanently augment your physical and mental abilities to superhuman heights." he paused. "i found myself taken by an exorbitant desire for them.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 6-Expect The Unexpected

It struggled helplessly against his superhuman strength. "restrain the damn thing",i grunted wiping the blood from my lip as i pulled myself from the dust.

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