Its just you pt1

You said it yourself I'm sick in the head. But the truth is everything clicks faster for me instead You try to find solutions for issues without help The conclusion is their just destroy the mountain of doubt. You ask for help when its too late...

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The girl I knew.

She never showed the tears, that fell down from her eyes. she never looked for pity, or sympathy from you. that's why she'll always be, the strongest girl i ever knew.

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All you see, are tears. wings, torn apart. ragged leather, flapping weakly chipping, milky scales, once brilliant and green is she dead? no, she cries. she makes no sound. she makes no move. staring out, remembering, lost so lost...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 7 a friend's aid

"a real friend always helps out another friend even if she doesn't want it" cynder said smiling while she gently stroke away tears from georga's cheeks. "thank you cynder" georga said softly while she forced out the last of her tears.

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Leo and Tony- Chapter 2

"tears. is she crying?" i thought and lookd over to her, rannign away from me. i opened the box, there was a letter and pralines. self made praline. the little letter fly away from the soft wind that goes around.

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The dark corner

There's a cold dark corner in the back of my room, it speaks to me and says I'm coming for you. As I lie on my bed in the fetal position, my eyes are closed hoping and wishing. Maybe that one day my dreams will come true, that I don't...

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Can't cry

#10 of tears how many time has paced it been? since i've cried when i was ten... it stopped flowing all of a sudden the situation is i can't make the tears start flooding...

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I was never here...

Oh no..the tears take the form into....fear... spacing problem

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Midnight's Rose

I whisper, hanging my head shapeless emotion wells up within me as tears bead in my eyes "may peace find you my love."

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The Continual Growth of Abby

The straps of the tank top she was wearing were completely engulfed by her body, and tears were appearing through out the cloth.

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Mythical Misfits

As soon as the gold tears made contact with his burnt skin, it immediately healed up and vance gasped, "wait a second, your tears have healing powers?" "i beg your pardon?" kitt blinked in confusion, tilting his head. "your tears!"

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The Donkey Cabbage

Another insistent growth irritated the opposite end of his underwear, now stretched to the point of tearing as he waved his new stub of tail back and forth.

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