The Tribe - 13

I can't even really shoot a bow that well; i'd be useless," osso's head snapped to the otter. "useless? you can splinter a tree at twenty yards or so. imagine that happening to someone else," he suggested.

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Blank Verse Essay on the Haunting of America

The soldiers killed in every useless war and those they killed in uselessness as well. our safety laws are written in the blood of those they were not written yet to save.

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Gator (Kreet 61)

Her feet were unable to get an angle as she tried to kick his back uselessly. he was too close now. her claws were useless as she used every ounce of energy just to keep the blade away.

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Magical Nights: A Kitten's Punishment

Should do what he wants \*useless has paid for 3 weeks of chastity ($0.21)\* mistress: yup might as well appease the slut \*mistress has paid for 1 month of chastity ($0.30)\* useless: got she has some dirty kinks useless: look!

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Short Story: The Shadow of Farsooth

And his wrecked hole and twitching, uselessly spent penis was just one more conquered territory in their infinite travels.

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He Should've Gone Home Early

He had no idea where the key was, and even if he did, he was still tied up with his paws useless. it was beginning to set in, how utterly helpless he was.

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A Lucky Day

He still struggled uselessly in the silk that covered his body into a soft and tight grip.

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Warrior's Blood, Chapter 35: Sweet Revenge

"wallet, useless. mini-drive, useless. car keys..." "isn't that jet of yours somewhere on this ship?" "yeah, my cjr's on deck, but... it's right next to the guards.

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Master Crane's capture

He tried to kick with his legs, useless and tanged with viper. his one wing fluttered uselessly, smacking the earth and grass around them.

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new tail

Master was silent on his light paws and quickly cut the ropes holing fran in place without notice first the one attached to the floor and then the one in grand ass causing flan to tip and put all there eight on the hook in there ass as there legal were useless

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Chapter 5: Face to face, avian Spyes make a move

"useless! totally useless!" the figure shouted from the holodisplay, "can't even kill defenseless earthers and they learned to morph in this dimension."

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