Roll of Fate (7): Innocent Blood

The ground erupted, loose soil and rotted corpses spraying everywhere, avoiding any contact with me as the wurm rose out of the ground, all eyes turning in my direction.

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Investigation - Act 2

Yogoloth let out a quiet curse in high wurm, this was not going as well as he'd hoped it would.

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Shared Blood - Act 2

, the young hybrid called out in high wurm. the darkness claimed the greeting like a dragon might claim an elk. there was nothing returned as the hybrid's eyes adjusted to the lower light levels in the first cavern.

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Sire's Call - Act 1

Go back the way you came.", the eldest spoke confidently in decent low wurm. their wings fidgeted, shades of brown and white shifting in the breeze.

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Astaroth Ankh- Anima eterna (Eternal life)

Wait a second; the bat had a faint smile before he disappeared in the wurm-hole. what the hell is going on! he had to know better, unless... he sold his loyalty to the enemy?! dirty, no-good bat! no wonder other furs are killing them for fun!

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A Mage's Tale Chapter 3

He had gone on hunts for the great sand wurms of the desert so was not taken aback by the dragon's deadly natural weapons. what was striking was his coloration, even dulled by the dust of the road. no desert creature shined in the sun like bluevayne.

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Of Dragons

, he asked in low wurm, his growing rage making it more difficult to speak in civilised tongues. thelekiin's eyes widened as he gave descriptions of the four people who had attacked them in the local tongue. their sex, race, age, clothing, hair colour.

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Family First

"and i would've thought they'd have taught you to not to be such an arrogant little wurm!" "arrogant little wurm? is that all you got? c'mon damren, you can do better than that."

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Stormborn XXX-Tra Mission 3 - Velvet Stable

Zurück blieb eine hündin in den armen eines nicht weniger geschafften ziegenbocks, dessen schrumpfende erregung sich wie ein feuchter wurm aus ihrer von weißem pelz wie von schnee umrandeten weiblichkeit zurückzog.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 0.1

What first came as only the faintest of vibrations, as if a wurm were moving through the forest a long distance off, slowly grew into a rumble.

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Her time with yogoloth has sharpened her skills with low wurm, which was something she thought every gryphon should become fluent in, not just have a passable knowledge of. the colony welcomed her warmly even if her mother didn't. yogoloth.

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The Dragon, the King and the Kobold (vol. 5)

"i will not hear another lie from your treacherous maw, **wurm**." your response is cut off by a vehemence spat. while you would be well within your means to counter her pig-headed display, anything so direct would undoubtedly result in bloodshed.

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