Sleeping with the Predator

As they cast the containment spell, i cursed them all, that on the 13th year of the 13th daughter of the 13th generation from the chieftain's family tree would be the undoing of them all, and my way back into the realm of the living.

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The Dragondog

Both her parents were foxes, but to be that big she has to have wolf in her family tree somewhere. my mom's name is jane and my dad couldn't have chosen better a mate to share life with. my dad is all dragon.

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The Protector chapter 3: A New World and Back Again

"well... your from earth, it's just that normally most dragons' family trees lead back to here." kie explained as they descended to kion. they soon landed in a field, and there a city stand not to far from that field.

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The Next Generation Vol. 2 - Niki & Viki

"i don't know, but it's always fun thinking how our family tree hasn't forked in that long. god i love you." "love you too sis you're pretty wet." "i know i can feel it...mmm put it in me." "alright just a second.

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 9

They came in all shapes and sizes, bound together, not necessarily by blood, but by something more, something that cannot be explained by heredity or the lines drawn on a family tree, and that something was love. plain and simple.

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The Stealth Stud

He thought that his mother blamed a horse in the family tree for the way that she kept having to get new clothes for him, but he didn't know if she was exaggerating or not. either way, his cock throbbed for all the marines to see.

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OC: Hadei O

How these families have managed to keep track of this information is through keeping a written family tree, along with the inheritance of the three pieces of shiro o's treasure which consists of a katana, tachi and a tanto blade: the yamazaki clan has

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Vengence Springs

His length was massive, leading him to believe there must have been a horse species somewhere in his family tree. it was a good foot and a half long, several inches wide, and was covered in little barbs, as most felines were.

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Flipping Out - Ch 1

The document that matt had to fill out had a few strange questions, but primarily focused on his background, and his family tree information, along with his scholastic achievements.


Credo of Thieves, Part 3

Every member of my family tree who penned a chapter of our book gave passing references to airborne surveillance or attacks at night. most likely, i just became aware of a hidden vendetta between two long lines of career criminals.

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Credo of Theives, Part 1

So, are you ready to climb back down your family tree?" "...sure, bentley, but not now. i've got a date tonight at le chauve-souris rouge, and i'm not gonna be late for that!"

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