A different World

Blairs pov "huh theres a white light going forward but behind me theres a black light, eathan are you there baby" i said i couldn't figure out where i am \*flash back\* i got out of the water and ran up to the light and than all a hear is screems

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Chapter 11: First Day of Event Part - 2

flash back it happened when he was 11 years old. the day after his birthday we all went out walking together to celebrate his birthday by eating together at his favorite restaurant like a family should.

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Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 3

I can flash back to z-day again. _fuck it, i choose 3 more minutes of sleep.

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The Promotion

Shining slapped a hoof to flash's back, a bit harder than expected, causing flash to throw his hooves to the bar to successfully avoid falling off the stool. "so, your name is flash, huh? must be new to the guards.


dark gaurdien chapter 4.txt

Then he had a flash back take him to room 565 on the 5th floor theres someone i have to take care of he heard sparks voice in slow mo.

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Leaking Fuel

He closed his eyes, trying to savor the moment, make it last as long as possible but as his mind flashed back to the image of his stream of pee hitting the same tree he was now leaning against, it became too much.

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He laughed and said "my names tom and you're a couple of k's out of pallet town" \*\*flash back\* "uhhh im sick of homework" i thought than all of a sudden i heard on the door _knock knock.

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dark wood feast

back into existence in a place i could see nothing but strange taste came to me then once more the voice (it is nice to have one in place i am an adult know it said and as is the way here is you first taste as life as my sex she laughed ) she stretched

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A Case Best Left Untouched Part 5

Mello was having memory flash backs and was quick agitated. sero could see that but sora couldn't. he kept advancing to mello. "sora, don't!" yelled sero as he ran to sora. sora turned to sero but at the same time mello pointed his gun looked insane.

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Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part II Chapter III

So the next chapter should finish up the flash back and hopefully answer some question in the series. i but a little bit of my own philosophical points in the flash back, but they're not really important to the plot so you can ignore those if you want.

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Love and Pain chapter 7

(flash back) 10 years ago jaden was walking home from school like he did everyday.

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True Hearts 2 Part 3

Smokey wipes off the last of his tears as he looks around the empty bar flashing back to the night that he and john met.

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