Changing in the Locker Room
Just let's hit the locker room first and... change." he caught the obvious hidden meaning. "i'd love to... change with you. lead the way, bro." i brought him back to my lockers. "oh, fuck," he said, once he saw what was inside.
Locker Room Rendevous
Wishing i were already home, i turned on my heel and waddled toward the locker room. the short stairs down into the locker room in the old gym were far more treacherous than i would have liked, but i made it without incident.
Locker Room Domination
His stubby tail quivered slightly as his heart rate pulsed after the intense round of basketball with several of the furs in the locker room.
Taken in the Locker Room
The raptor wouldn't be the first fur he'd lured back to the locker rooms and blown in near public. and not the first he'd had in that very gym either.
Locker Room Tales
#4 of locker room tales patrick, ebony, chester and james head up to the mountain lack for a weeks worth of camping and relaxation, but things don't exactly go to plan...
Defending the Locker Room
Defending the locker room for nintendogalaxy01 by draconicon when it came to the gym, locker room, and all attached facilities, there was no doubting that there was just one king, and his name was kaden.
Locker Room Antics
A european badger is stuffed in a locker and then eiffel tower'd locker room antics devin squirmed around, trying to get a decent view out of the slats of the locker he'd been stuffed in.
The locker room was divided into three sections: a general locker room for p.e. classes, a sports locker room, and the showers.
Curse of the Were-creature's love - Boyfriend or Victim
"no prob, buddy." the other jock said and left the locker room. as the final jocks left the locker room, alli and harry smiled, their werewolf eyes shining in the dim light.
The first time is always the shortest
He's probably why our locker room always smells like cum too!' croc shifted and said flatly. 'i'm not staying here another minute, do what ever you want to him. besides, everyone already knows it's your fault why the locker rooms smell the way they do.'
My leg hurts...
"oh yes... he's in the locker room in the back... do you want me to take you there?"the wolfess asked. rox nodded nearly instantly.
Life in a middle school
When they finally reached the gym they walked one was there which didn't stop kyle from walking into the locker room. sen followed into the empty room where the only sound was kyle grabbing cloths.