Secrets from the Pitt

"never give up until you have no more moves!"                 "but i am done. what more can i do to win? don't you think i should just give up?"                 "no! you should never give up, not while there is still hope of succeeding!"                

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Crazy College Life of Mikkle 2

"the one thing i learned is to never give up on love." smiling mikkle softly chided bruce "damn you for having sound advice." with renewed resolve mikkle leapt to his feet tossing off his pajama bottoms and undies.

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My 2016 FBA Draftee: Tia Terra

This also taught tia a very important lesson: to never give up. although, as tia went to middle school, her and veronica were given another surprise. tia was growing, fast.

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That Gay Goth Dog

"never: never, give up the rhythm that is in you. it connects you to everyone you have lost. and they all do say hello and they love you.. i was the only one allowed to come down and talk to you tho..

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Pool Pals Adventures: Sherry's Story Part 1

She said and looked at him in the eyes, "so you're right daddy, i'll never give up and never abandon it. i'll wait and find that special someone just like you said!" suddenly she frowned when she thought about her dad.

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The Okies

He would simply never give up, he might have even died from his work if the vulpinos did nothing to stop him from doing so.

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Drew Janglings and the Transfer from Magical Fantasy to Real Magic

give up dreaming, even at this age of thirty-five, when everything sometimes still can feel quite dead, but i know better.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 39

He'll never give up. that thing doesn't even... he doesn't even feel anything! or maybe he does, i don't know... if you'd met him, you'd understand. he's not just 'crazy', jon. he's something much, much worse."

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Cat Island, Chapter 1

She would never give up her birthright, her beast form, for something so trivial. she would rather die than bear a branded, or so the hybrids between the two races were called.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 39

He'll never give up. that thing doesn't even... he doesn't even feel anything! or maybe he does, i don't know... if you'd met him, you'd understand. he's not just 'crazy', jon. he's something much, much worse."

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Ice Dungeon

Giving up means i lose, i would never give up. there must be a way out of this, there must be a way i could live. surely there must be somebody around here, somebody who could save me. *****************           suddenly i heard a noise.

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Heart of Ice Ch.6

I will never give up on him, never. silnis \*\*\*\*\* i'm sorry luke, but i can't forgive you now. maybe someday in the future, but who knows when that'll happen.

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