High Tail High Chapter 4: New Conflict
* * * high tail high chapter four: new hope * * * friendship. some say it's forever, others my claim it to be the start of a new kind of love. it's that magical feeling of being protected that we all have with friends.
Promise (backward story)
This time it was not serving to satisfy their basic needs, but to seal their bond as mates, giving them that special feeling of being loved, and bringing a new hope for their future.
My dearest brother...
She drifts off to sleep soundlessly, farin running the thoughts through his head, finding them to be appealing and sighing, the tv the only noise as the wolf falls asleep under his mate, their dreams shared with one another, full of new hopes and possibilities
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1
Upon the white powdered remnants of earth, 600,000 humarans spread upon the world in a new hope to reclaim home.
~jeffery butel, ex-human, humaran, terra exodae archivist, 8th order of the word~
shadow 8
Though now shadow felt a new hope. if he could find the priest maybe vincent could be healed out of the coma and they could continue on with their lives.
Streaks of Gray and White- Chapter 1
The fox asked with a new hope. "yea, his name's dakota. he looks just about the same as me, just a bit shorter. he's really kind and compassionate; he'll make sure all of you needs are met and that you are happy.
The Newspaper Wolf
I've lost my brother and now i've lost you, my new hope for being happy. i thank you for everything._ _i just want to ask for something. search for my brother and tell him that i never gave up on seraching him.
A Way Out
Officially the place was called "new hope - correctional youth education facility and orphanage". but there was no hope to be found here. only beatings, and shouting, and punishment.
Adventures In Lust
Left dangling on his stiff cock long enough to see a crowd of new hopefuls surround us, my canine brings me gently down to my fours and starts up a frenetic pace: viciously knotting and unknotting me.
Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 4
Die harbringer werden grad woanders eingesetzt.... im evakuirungscamp new hope. geister sichtung und eine witch soll dort auch gesichtet worden sein." " anscheinend haben die wirklich besseres zu tun... also bleibt es immer an uns hã¤ngen was ?"
The Cat and the Wolf's Shadow
To create a new forest, a new hope, a new beautiful land. rejoice, for the black cloud cast over the land is lifted. the blue sky and white clouds have returned, the sun is bright and shining upon you smiling face. you need no more tears now.
Furr: The Inner Shadow Chapter 1
But was this decision foolish or a new hope for the world, only time will tell, we all have an inner shadow beneath us all right? "ugh... my head... where on earth am i?"