Adopting A Cute Bear Cub
"guess what buster, your getting adopted today, the lady here is may, she's going to be your momma." said richard eagerly.
Adoption (Different Pokemon Arc)
"you both looking to adopt a pokemon?" was all he asked, to which both of them nodded and were promptly given applications to fill out, to which they both did in record time.
Adopted Collie Part 2
#2 of adopted collie here we go. josh and his mother are as the saying goes "getting to know one another! \<;) anyway its sex so you better be 18 or else ill be mad! if you dont like it there's the door!
Adopted Collie Part one
If you aren't i know who you are and i will get even :d enjoy and write to me:) adopted collie josh collie wakes up from his deep sleep. the young 16-year-old collie stretches and is shocked that the house is silent.
Lysander's Adoption, Part 2
For now, though, lys sat down under the table, watching with amusement as his adopted brother felated their adopted father. he had to admit, the other cub looked like he was having a lot of fun with it. but he wasn't ready to do that yet.
The Greys Chapter 7: Adoption
"the adoption agency called. there's a vixen who's looking for someone to adopt her tod kit," his wife's voice was incredibly high pitched when she got excited. "how old is he?" "he hasn't been born yet!
The feel of his embrace
Well I bet you are wondering why I'm writing to you, it's a bit of a long story, in fact it's my whole life really. It started back when I was fifteen and my parents brought me to this caravan park, where I'm staying right now. Sand Haven, a small park...
New Pet!
The little roo was overjoyed to hear he was being adopted but was a little scared that his new dad wouldn't like him. finally, she came, taking by the hand and guiding him to the front room.
Title in Progress~ Chapter 1
Chapter 1 The sun slowly rose over the forest canopy as dawn began to break the darkness of night. Birds started to great the morning with a friendly chorus of chirps and tweets. "M-mommy?" a young voice said. A little red head poked its way out...
"why didn't you tell me i was adopted?" he cried, tears welling in his eyes. his parents looked at each other dismayed. "now what would make you say something like that bobby?"
Chapter 17-nonsense
This is an extended version of a dream jason has in my first novel, in which he dreams he has mysteriously become ellie's adoptive son.
Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.1)
", i guess what i'm saying is that i like the idea of having an open adoption before the birth but a closed adoption after birth...