The Shocking Tales of Lumen - Prologue

Lumen had no idea how long he had been adrift.

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Comms Failure

He knew many of his crewmates believed the stories, whole ships left adrift, empty yet fully functional. signs of a hull breach that had been sealed over with some synthetic material, but no loss of atmosphere.

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A Wolf on Sauria Ch.1

Less than a splinter adrift in a starry sea. would those bozos really come back for him? was there ever honor among their kind? blue light dawned on his face, pulling him out of darker thoughts.

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Open Season Chapter 21: The Apprentice

I kinda feel adrift, like my whole life is just..._waste of space_..." that last part was issued in a voice barely above a whisper. gwen frowned. "hold on a moment."

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Thereafter: Prologue

That was the best dignity he could provide, to set the ember adrift in the dead sea. it was too painful to carry its memories with him like they were earthly burdens, too painful to recognize the strength of humanity it used to show him.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (One)

The snickers from his buddies have gone silent now, they're adrift. "because of your school marks brett? or is it because of your rugby?" i ask insistently.

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The Secret Life of Joseph Davidson

They had been adrift for days, drinking iceberg shavings to survive and now they would be carried back to civilization all because of the work of a brave and courageous fox.

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An End of an Era

A door adrift the flooded street, winds its way through drowned main street. warped wooden thing, trying to bend up, curl inward. like it all, pulling in, pushed inward. if a city has its center, it can hold its ground. but the center did not hold.

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End of an Era

A door adrift the flooded street, winds its way through drowned main street. warped wooden thing, trying to bend up, curl inward. like it all, pulling in, pushed inward. if a city has its center, it can hold its ground. but the center did not hold.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 24

And now she was adrift, as aimless as the rest in the crowd. except she was different. she knew magic. she had power. she had a vision of the future. there was an opportunity here, shelby realized.


Project Godlike: Shifts in power

Our recent victory at planet gorbin, thanks to you as one of the most brilliant strategists in the fleet, gave us more technology that we have been able to research and have found a way to make the hull more dense so that even if you were to somehow end up adrift

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The Trinket | Chapter Three [Comm]

Malissa had already expressed her desire to get a b in the class and nothing more, while jack, hunter was sure, was banking on his elevated homework score to keep him adrift.

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