The Moon need friends too part 18

An she would deal with her sister rage afterwords,but she knew that celestia would do the same in her hoofs. but one thing did scared her, which was how her sister and niece would react to her choice of mate.

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Rotations Ch03

I'm going to fuck you until you pop, then some more afterwords. heh, not even your brother will save you!" he laughed loudly, covering any sounds adulio made and ground his hips into the sweet ass once more. "please! don't do this again!

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The Naga's Ruins 2

He would remain hard within kran's tailhole, giving small and teasing thrusts afterwords with just his hips, as he could quite clearly feel one of the eggs move downwards. " and it is time... you must go and prepare yourself."

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Life Here After - Part Five { Revised }

I stopped and raised my hands, a few seconds afterwords a voice came through my huds com-link. "who are you?" i blinked before answering back "as i said before. my name is raccoon. i left this base a few days ago with razor squad."

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He always asked himself afterwords, why did the man's touch thrill him so. 'he' was just another male, someone to be fucked by and get money from. not to lust after. and it was always the same - the human undressing, putting their clothes in the washer.

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Guardian AngelChapter 1: The end, and the beginning.

afterword my mother walked up and kissed me on the forehead and said softly "my sweet little angelus, i love you with all my heart. sadly your father and i are going on a trip and have to leave you with your aunt.

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School Days Part 1: Reunion

Subsequently, that means i will probably upload to here first, and to fa when i am happy with that entire chapter (have things i probably change afterwords so that i makes since with the nest part. only the adding stuff kind of retcon).

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The Night

Mark panted heavily for a minute, before gazing into alan's eyes lovingly and saying, "i fucking love you too, but it's my turn to ravage your ass puppy," -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **fin** **afterword

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Meeting With Krystal V2.0 (now with more words!)

afterwords, sam got dressed and grabbed his keys, heading to where this girl lived. he wondered who it was, the voice sounding somewhat familiar.

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When the mice are away, the feline's shall play...

And he'd made up for it afterwords. when we'd arrived home, he had made it seem like we were going to bed early, then to my surprise i felt him pull me on top of him.

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The Proposition...

afterwords he lay drained and nearly incoherent, as the little rodent wiped his mouth with a silk handkerchief. moving up to the horse's muzzle, he kissed those soft mobile equine lip's.

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My Hero and Me, My Greatest Adventure Ever 18: Boss Battle, part 2

I hurdled toward a platform slightly higher than the others and barely landed it, dodge rolling afterwords to stick my landing.

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