Look What Big Daddy Found? 6
Kendo started to go at a steady pace at riding sajin's cock, he wanted sajin to be on top og him while doing this but sajin and him knew he would be to big and sajin might crush him, so kendo and sajin agreed not to switch positions.
Tadao x sajin lemon
sajin responded "now for the main event." he said, tadao nodded and like sajin tadao reach for sajin's fundoshi and removed from the captain leaving sajin naked as the day he was born.
Sajin Komamura
"oh kiba-kun." moaned sajin in excited pleasure."sajin." gasped kendo excitedly."
Kiba Okami and Sajin Komamura ( Remake )
sajin could feel the muscles from his ass get hard and tight from kiba riding his ass, it felt oddly relaxing yet incredible to sajin. kiba wanted nothing to do but continue to have sex with sajin and sajin had the same thing on his own mind.
The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 17
sajin caught him and stared. just then hiroshi started to stir. "sajin, what the hell is happening?" hiroshi whispered in horror, tears running down the half of his face the mask hadn't covered. sajin's heart squeezed.
The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 15
I grumbled as the sun hit my face and rolled over, burying my face in sajin's furry chest. "so you're awake now?" sajin whispered in my ear. "nope," i replied, smiling into his chest.
Komamura’s Journey
sajin looked at him, not sure if he should respond. "i can tell you aren't a threat. you just happened to come to my friend's grave. so, please." he said, waiting for sajin to respond. sajin wasn't sure what to say, so daiko spoke first.
Sajin and Nyx – The Story of a Stag and a Nymph
Desire: "rut me, sajin!
The Sweet Stench of Intestinal Gas (Part 1/2)
"holy shit, it's sajin komamura!" isle knew what was going on now. sajin was busy fighting another hollow, one looking similar to a fishbone d due to the fins on its back.
The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 16
I made it to sajin's quarters without much difficulty. i knocked on the door. "come in!" sajin said. i opened his door and saw sajin sitting behind his massive desk, writing up a few papers.
Spiritual Growth (The novelization)
When he got into position, he leapt into sajin's back. sajin did not notice the intruder that was making his way inside his body. instead, all he felt was his uniform suddenly shrinking.
The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 18
The mushy furry love that is sajin komamura.