Lurking in the Mud - Out of Bounds
With a soft, burbling, mud coated yip of delight shia hit the beak and emptied his load into the thick, creamy muck coating him.
What kinds of Kyruku are there?
Typically, their primary coat ranges from yellow to brown to dark green, with secondary coats of browns, reds, yellows and whites, and equally vivid dividers of purples, blues, greens, yellows and reds.
Pup Popper
He felt the goo slip between his toes before firming outward, coating his left foot. his right hand finally snapped free of his chest, but the goo covered his fingers, coating them and making them look more human than before.
25th December
With a sigh vince peeled out of the warm coat and changed to his jacket. he put the coat into his bag and threw it over his shoulder. he knew that he was in for a long walk.
Faux Fur
Her coat was still on her but it just didn't feel right, it didn't fit right, and it was hanging down and the sleeves were getting dirty as the new coyote made distressed little steppies. "yes, the coat, the fur coat.
The Offering of the Fangs 2, chapter 1
The bigger one, marjorie of the gray coat, went to the left, while the silent one, anabelle of the white coat, went to the right.
New Technology: Part 4
It shot out bursts of sticky precum, coating his face and shoulders before the copious amounts ran down his muscle bound body to coat the rest of his writhing form.
Werecorgi [M / TF / SFW]
"that brown long coat on the end." steven looked at the coat. it was a light, golden brown with a few small white spots scattered throughout.
The Pride - Character Bios.
Brown coat with black mane, tan underbelly. large blue eyes, with solid arms and paws. little scruffy chin.
Preview (still in the works) of new series
"maybe something without a trench coat, because as you can see, i have the das coat \*he grinned flicking his tail proudly as he adjusted his coat." lupus smirked and facepawed briefly before looking the wolf over.
What's Left Act 1 - The First Night Alone
A group of six armed dogs in green coats walk between the crates. a younger aaron hides against a box close to the main path. he holds a green coat in his paws and tries to conceal himself against a wooden crate. aaron (v.o.)
Malv's Pets: Night Out
Now for the coats..." the rest of malv's plan became clear then.