Werewolf Baes 002 - In the Doghouse
She opened her mouth to say something only to be left sputtering as the crafty werewolf gave her a big, wet kiss, licking her face shamelessly and barking for approval. "you big dork!" amy laughed, snuggling the big dog against her.
The Amorus adventures of Tantala the Succubi part 1
Thus out of options the department had appealed the head of the metaphysical debt collection and philosophy department, lucifer; the normally extremely crafty former seraphim (he still worked for god, but not as a messenger, well not a direct messenger at
The Little Match Girl
craftiness was written on his face.
The Size of the Fight in the Kobold
"you...you're a crafty little one, aren't you?" she asked, feeling his weight against her shoulders and a foot on the back of her neck.
Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 7: The Hunt
Experienced ones were more cautious, sometimes crafty. adults protecting young could even be dangerous. he'd have to be careful. ... chewing on a tasty flower, the small animal relaxed in the warm sunlight.
The Fox and the Berries and the Mushrooms
He could easily recall the taste of that one soup, where the grumpy, crafty, old as dirt mapach cook had tapped into a reserve of dehydrated treats especially for their triumphant, yet soggy return.
The adventure at home
The feline being as crafty as he is, slides his paws down below him, and down under her skirt.
The Serpent Curse - Prologue
.): but then came the most crafty of the creatures god had created. the serpent. ...and among the leaves of the tree emerges a legged serpent, twined around the branches, facing adam and eve.
A Bronze Rising: Battle, Such as it is
I was pointless to chase crafty woodsmen in the woods, especially if you were so large that the trees mostly blocked your path. i had no intention of chasing them.
Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 9-C
The bat was pretty crafty. "how do i know you won't grant them the quickest death of all of us?" she asked. "because they won't even leave this room," replied the doctor. "in fact, i won't even have any guards in this room. so choose wisely.
Melissa's room...
Jack's tongue was crafty and he knew it, for with every stroke jack lightly lapped his tongue against her clit, making her more and more wet as his long tongue lapped up the juices from between her lips.
An Ode to Canada
Fishermen catch fish that swim in the sea and shellfish that live under rocks as squatters, occasionally lossing a catch to a crafty octopi or otter.