Dawn - Late Nights
Luckily dawn's there to keep her excited... very excited. i swear, valorie would spend half of her time cleaning up after herself if dawn weren't there.
Daryn - Resolve
She glanced over at dawn, "are you okay, dawn? did... did it work?" dawn pushed herself off of daryn's leg to wobble shakily forward.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:34
To him, dawn was the best he'd ever had, sheep or not. but the ram probably expected to hear that with dawn right by his side.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:23
dawn spoke, her gaze still firmly fixed on the wolf. "i am your mate." dawn paused. "we are mates." vernon gave a slight nod in affirmation, although it wasn't enough to elude dawn's grip. "that means that we are in this together." dawn continued.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:32
dawn cringed, gritting her teeth mildly as she broke eye contact with the wolf. "she was practically fused to my head." dawn replied uneasily.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:31
_"alright, good luck dawn."_ "by the gods, i hope so..." dawn thought to herself. "i certainly need it."
Morning Cup (Poetry)
_Morning Cup_ by Daniel C. Aaron You woke the morning up With your passion and with your love. You poured a morning cup And I knew it was the one, The one I had to drink, Down and all the way, To the bottom, from the top; A little drop of...
The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:8
I'd say this fella's a keeper dawn." the bear joked. dawn blushed and buried her face in vernon's back. _'what was that supposed to mean?'_ dawn turned the thought over in her mind. "welp, i won't keep you. dawn call me when you get settled in."
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:10
dawn was now practically leaning off the mattress, fully engrossed in vanna's tale. "s-so what happened?" dawn asked timidly.
The Dawn will Come.
"the dawn will come...."
A New Dawn
Even though his wounds weren't fatal Kerric would have to spend a few weeks in the hospital wing with Xani leaving only Shayde, Angel Linda, Sam, Abby and Zeng. Zeng made sure his gear was up to stats while Shayde dropped in on Xani every now and then...
Rise of Dawn
"dawn, are you sure you want to leave?" his father asked sadly. "do i really have a choice?" dawn said. his father turned away, walked back to there home, and came back out with a set of dragon armor. " i don't think ill need that." he pointed out.