Part 11 - Teamarbeit
Sagte dexter mit einem lachen in seiner stimme. auch nikki lachte erleichtert.
The White Rose Matures - 2023
#8 of commission - dexter and miles miles, dexter, and alexa belong to yanixter. the white rose matures dexter underestimated the impact that power rangers had in miles' life.
The White Rose Bud - 2022
#7 of commission - dexter and miles dexter, miles, alexa (lexy), and chase belong to yanixter. the white rose bud "dex, please, trust me on this!" chase insisted, clinging onto his friend's arm.
Going Dumb At College
The cat and dino moved close, dexter's pudgy belly rubbing up against brenda's furry mid. dexter put his face into brenda's.
Night of the Weredonk, A New Breed
_ _ _ night of the weredonk, a new breed _we come back to the three already transformed weredonkeys john, alex, and dexter standing directly over leo, john and dexter's father.
Dexter & Tod Kapitel 4 - Alte Füchse gehen schwer in die Falle
„die zeit läuft, dexter." „okay, okay, okay! ich lass dich in ruhe. versprochen!", schwor dexter. „aber niemand wird jemals etwas darüber erfahren, verstanden!"
Desire Realised
dexter has always had strange thoughts about his son.
Dex and Miles: Wild Force - 2021
dexter drove past stores that had a lot of lit pumpkins.
Like Father - 2021
#1 of commission - dexter and miles one of my first commissions, a stepping stone to a very large project. miles and dexter belong to yanixter.
Part 10 - Platzangst
#10 of dexter & nikki platzangst mitten in der nacht wachte dexter mit trockenem mund auf. er kannte dieses phänomen, aufzuwachen weil er durst hatte, nur zu gut.
Musk Stream Story 6: Breaking Down Rebellion
Breaking down rebellion for dexter by draconicon dexter had lost count of how many days he'd been tied up in this strange dungeon.
Dexter & Tod Kapitel 8 - Die Katze ist aus dem Sack
Wenn dexter tod schon nicht fressen konnte, dann wollte er wenigstens versuchen, ein paar von seinen freunden oder verwandten zu erwischen.