An Owner Infested 1
An owner infested part 1 for dracwarrior by draconicon the offices of one dhahabi kaf were, in a word, opulent.
An Infestation in the Herd 11
He imagined that blue-mane would be all kinds of riled up when they met, and that would make the infestation of the other stallion that much easier. infestation.
An Infestation in the Herd 10
Now that he was infested, he had every reason to go, and no reason to delay.
An Infestation in the Herd 9
In mere days, they would have birthed enough parasites to infest the entirety of the town's population, and then a day or two more, and they would have enough to infest those that were visiting for the festival.
TRANSCRIPT 10 DEC 53 PROGRAM 'EXPOSÉ' NARRATOR: Due to the disturbing nature of this report, we encourage those of you viewing with old or young persons to change to a lighter programme for the next ten minutes. This segment contains footage...
Becoming a Fun Guy
The night passed with the infested creature laying there motionless for the longest while, but as the moon rose completely overhead the digits of the infested creature began to twitch before his entire body started to sit up...
Cosmic Stars - Chapter Twelve
The planet of velmaria has been infested on a plante-wide scale. i speculate that the creeper alien is gathering their forces at the planet.
Fairy Tail
There once was a Rabbit who lived in the forest. His fur was soft and silky, the light color of hazelnuts. He was very sad, for he had just had a terrible row at home. He sat on the soft green grass, a tear streaming down from his clear blue eyes. His...
The Hive Begins
She asked herself aloud, as she sometimes did even before her infestation.
A Budding Community, 4 | by DolphinSanity
Letting his fervor settle down to half-mast, he made his way along, continuing to think these automatic, infestation-oriented thoughts as he went along: _must infest. teryx must aid and abet the infestation...
Renzyl's Worldswide Tour, Planet Seven: Biturap
He could feel his insides begin to shift as the latex plant that he had been infested with began to present itself.
Filling His Rubber Paws (7/10)
"we can repurpose the obelisks and move them out to the perimeter of the manor and create a force field that will keep the infested at bay.