Swat Kats Hollow Arc Chapter 4
Jake said as he drew the katana at his waist.
Smoke: 'The Succubus'
I quickly jump up, avoiding the attack but he instantly twists 360 degree and swipes two katanas at me which i parry.
Drachenherz Teil 19
Geschafft zog er das katana aus ihm als er noch mehr eisbären kommen hörte.er schaute nach oben und sah mindestens zwanzig weitere, die ihn langsam umzingelten.das katana vor sich haltend stand ryu in der mitte des kreises und versuchte, sich die bären vom
The Outlander 1 10
"now i'm the holder of the starfire katana." with that jagee spun around, katana unsheathed and cleaved through the prayer shrine in one swift motion where it fell apart in two halves. krinz then rose from the floor and glared at jagee.
Desmond screamed out in great pain, dropping the katana that was held in that arm's hand, now useless. desmond had swung his other katana at aro, landing a good cut on his arm in turn.
Dragonheart Part 64
Around his waist hung a worn disk protection, from which hung a katana scabbard, but in this no katana to be seen.
Clan Drachenherz Mitglieder Steckbriefe Teil 1
Besondere fähigkeiten: bertram genoss seit seinem sechsten lebensjahr die ausbildung im bushido, dem pfad des kriegers, wo er viele nahkampftechnicken, die sich vor allem auf den kampf mit dem katana spezialisieren.
A Warriors Tale: Part 3
Dance continued on through the oppressive vegetation, her katana rising and falling as she steadily chopped a path through the greenery.
Young Love - Chapter 13
The katana handle slipped from his paw, the weapon clanging onto the floor. the lion had then succumbed to the physical agony and he toppled backward.
Wide World of Weird Episode 1: Mecha-Kaiju Island
Stumps are what it gets back as the katanas cleave through the appendages easily with the two dogs working in tandem for mutual defense.
Dragonheart Part 45
Said ryu and took his katana again. he held it with both hands before him and closed his eyes. he breathed deeply in and out as his katana suddenly began to glow. surasshu bertram and looked at him as ryu struck at once.
Shaydes of the Past 2- Tiger's Eye
Shayde treated these as he did his katana and bandana; with a reverence he didn't keep for much. along with the katana, his bandana was the only other reminder of his childhood.