Plan D
plan d © rufus quentin
A change of plans
A change of plans "come on" finn says tugging on a leash attached to a pachirisu. "let me go" she says fighting the leash every chance she gets.
A Plan and a Problem
#6 of night wing part 6: a plan and a problem after a couple days of living in the warehouse and picking up things from stores that he needed michael figured out a plan. he had all the money he would need but he needed time to plan.
The Plan Fulfilled
Okay I tried updating this earlier when I couldn't think of a way to expand the chapter but this sneaky update button says it needs to be 8,000 characters minimum. So blame the long wait on the site owners :3 Kenny was now running through...
The bear's plan
"and how exactly do you plan on doing that, like do you have some threatening laser gun to..." willis began until he himself got cutoff as toby yelled.
Change In Plans
Change in plans (2 m dolphins + vixen) warning: this story contains sexual contact between two males (who also happen to be brothers), but no actual m/m sex.
Jason's Plan
The Four Brothers One night one of the brothers decided to try something new. It was 12:00 AM when Jason woke up. He got out of his bed and quiet walked to his dresser. He pulled out a vial fill with a red liquid. He smiles and heads out of...
Plan C
If you lack knowledge of previous events, a quick recap may be in order: read my previous plans. now that i've taken care of that, back to my nightmare's aftermath.i'm lying in my bed, trying to comprehend what happened.
Plan B
Alright, time for plan b. luckily enough, i'm a quick thinker. after all, i need a bigger brain to handle my enhanced senses. maybe a recap is in order. well then, listen up: read plan a. my dad is staring at me.
Pool Plan
I had planned what i was about to do for around 2 weeks, and as of now i was almost to scared to go through with it.
"Plan B"
I held my breath for a second in anticipation before i heard him sypathetically reply, "i would love to, but i kinda have already made plans with someone else..." fuck, i now felt like a total loser, but i responded, "oh no! thats cool!"
Backup Plan
Gen drifted back from yet another circuit of the bar, and sighed. Marin gave the jaguar an inquisitive tilt of his head from where he stood on the edge of the dancefloor, but Gen just shook his head to the pine marten, coming up to stand beside him. ...