Cosplay Catastrophe [COM]
The scarfed feline had the veritable body of a god, truly the stuff of legend!
Damien the Lady Killer: Samantha
Her outfit stood out in the crowd he saw every day near his home, the bright red scarf catching his eye first, followed by her feminine form and confident posture.
My Life As A Jackal - Chapter 2
In spite of its being a scarf, it had no "tail".
The Best Garden
Hally blushed a lot more as he spoke, she averted her gaze and practically turtled inside her scarf, only the tops of her eyes visible as the scarf covered her blushing.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 14
Mother went to the hall closet and, after a bit of rummaging, came back with a long, red scarf.
Clean Yourself Up
"teasing is going to get you in trouble, you know," he muttered, running a paw up to squeeze one of ember's shoulders, brushing the scarf back.
How the weeks dragon
The head belonged to a coyote named udo whose casual cargo pants and metal band tee would've left him unremarkable were it not, despite the warmth of the day, for the grey scarf wrapped tightly around his neck.
A seminar.
"i have a scarf in my possession. i would like you to sell it to me as if you were my seller." i yank the scarf from around my neck off, and drop it onto the man's lap. this won't be easy for him.
PMD The Warrior's of Light
"let's go home guys and before that i'll pick the tm and specail scarf and my part of pokedollars which is 1500 so everyone take your fair share and we will discuss what to do with the scarf and tm ok, levine can you leed us back home?
Horizion (Steel Beast)
Still crying, he bent forward and kissed his lover, brushing the scarf out of the way. the beast had died, but they lived on. they pulled themselves from the heart of the metal beast and surveyed the landscape.
Taboo Fantasies Abound! 5 Gallades X F Gardevoir
The orange-scarfed gallade nodded and positioned himself as he was previously. his cock, although smaller than hank by an inch or two, was just enough to fit inside her rectum.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 14
Mother went to the hall closet and, after a bit of rummaging, came back with a long, red scarf.