Spiral Knights - Heb and the Grimalkin (2018)
I do all of my stories in google docs, for the sake of both simplicity and stylization. Usually, I upload them to FurAffinity in a PDF format, though for here it seems I am required to instead link it. So! Here is a link to the google doc...
The Vortex
The minutes fell by with every flash of deep neon and shrill streetlights through the windows of the train carriage. The strobing light show of the skyline made the pain behind his eyes throb ever more viciously, yet the lion slouching in the seat...
Spiral Nebula - Chapter 25 Part Two
The last time Yukiomaru was so at ease, he couldn't even remember. Most of the years in his short life were spent training and drilling to be the best. That had left little room for the little fox to relax or even take a moment to enjoy life. Snow...
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapters Eighty Five - Ninety One
The darkness shattered in an azure spiral, a million fragments of nothingness spinning away, dissolving into a brilliant blue expanse. they pierced a sky brighter blue than korakos had ever known.
Downward Spiral (Chapter11, Act1, Book3) END!
. :) downward spiral _november 28, 2023, sundown east of san francisco _ ** "okay," karla told the twins.** we're all being watched and it makes you nervous. i understand that."
Vore Club - Part 3 (Vore Story)
Of spiral's head spread her nether lips apart.
Another first encounter
The snake commanded, his eyes spiralling powerfully. unable to resist, the panther opened one of his eyes to tunnels of color. within seconds, that eye was spiralling as well. "please kaa..."
Don't look into my eyes
"_lost in the spiral. only thinking about the spiral. nothing but the spiral. relax. deeper and deeper. the more you relax, the deeper you..."_ "gotcha!"
A Lovers Memory
"take me, spiral... i'm yours. yours and yours alone."
A deep purr starting in spiral's throat as he licks and slurps over the ram's hard cock.
A Celestial Garden
With a whimper she tried to leave, but they were all around her, spiralling and spiralling, moving faster and faster as they swirled downwards in the intense gravity.
Stop! Thief!
It was an odd sight as kameryn was nearly twice spiral's size.