Royal Science 3

trinity, the mother of the avians, merely looked at jlo before sighing, "i thought you were better, but this really make me shocked to know you actually went that low. jlo, i am disappointed. you are no longer fit to wear the title of a prime."

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Meta - 1-04 - Hybrid

He had accepted being sent to trinity because the world's foremost experiments with new species of plants had been at cellucore, one of the founding companies of trinity.

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Illian: A shattered world

When all hope of the werewolves' winning this war seemed lost, _izilan_ and everin opened the gates of the castle in the ether with two new races on their side: the wood nymphs and the _sinan_ (cin-an) or trinity race.

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Watcher of Arceus - The World of Arceus Side Stories 3

"doubtful you would as juliana trinity, the human, does not actually exist." king shannon stated rather bluntly.

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With The Best Friend Part 2

And i love it." \*\*\* of the "classes", the group decided to go with trinity weasel: the devil inside.

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Illian: Return

Hoping to break the unnerving silence that had now grown between the five of them, markus asked reign "do you know anyone who might know something about a person claiming to be the trinity prophet?"

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Illian: Dreams of a Shattered Soul

Oh well...guess i only have one plan of action: find the trinity prophet and hope that i come across this god along the way." "you mean that even through all of this, you're still willing to find the trinity prophet?"

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Nicollett\'s begining

"what is wrong trinity" gunther spoke with worry etched into his words. "nicollett. who would dare name you that!!! that is no name for a pink furred!" her words range with anger as she looked to gunther.

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The Hunters Become The Hunted

One of my friends is the central command officer of the trinity mercinary corps." ajir replied while hunching down behind the counter. he had to be joking! the trinity mercenary corps was one of the most secretive organizations in the world!

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Characters Tailor-made For the Plot

Favorite characters i like to use: - trinity from the matrix - keiffer sutherland as david from the lost boys - robert carlyle from both ravenous and plunkett & mclean - wolverine from the x-men - sandra bullock no matter what movie she's in.


At Arceus' Behest Ch. 05 - Revelations

Taiga was leaning on blackfire for support while midnight, scarlet, autumn and trinity followed behind.

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Wet Cement: Chapter 1

"jesus trinity, are you trying to get the kid killed?" someone said quietly, jamie felt his ears heat up and gripped his pencil tighter. 'trinity' was definitely going to get him killed. "that's enough class." her ruler slapped the desk again.

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